20 Factor Test to a Hypothetical Scenario Essay Paper

20 Factor Test to a Hypothetical Scenario Essay Paper In this web research and writing assignment, you will apply the “employee versus independent contractor” status determination, commonly referred to as the “20-Factor Test,” to a hypothetical scenario.

20 Factor Test to a Hypothetical Scenario Essay Paper
20 Factor Test to a Hypothetical Scenario Essay Paper

20 Factor Test to a Hypothetical Scenario

Essay Paper Deliverables

2-3 paragraph paper

Step 1: Research the “20-Factor Test.”

Through Internet research, review the “20-Factor Test” that courts and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) use in determining whether an individual is an employee or an independent contractor.

Step 2: Write a paper applying the “20-Factor Test” to a scenario.

In a short paper, describe a hypothetical scenario involving the question of whether an individual is an employee or an independent contractor and issue a determination (based on the hypothetical you have created, and applying the “20-Factor Test” to your hypothetical) as to whether the person is an employee or an independent contractor.

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