A Case Study Research on McDonaldization

A Case Study Research on McDonaldization Individual case study work For the purpose of developing analytical skills and in-depth knowledge of the key processes and consequences of globalization, students are asked to conduct a case study research on McDonaldization Individual case study work.

A Case Study Research on McDonaldization
A Case Study Research on McDonaldization

For the purpose of developing analytical skills and in-depth knowledge of the key processes and consequences of globalization, students are asked to conduct a case study research on McDonaldization.
By using the framework of McDonaldization, response to any one of the following question?
1. Do you live in an efficient, calculable, predictable, techno and homogenised world? Support your argument with the help of examples?
2. Describe and analyze the McDonaldized lifestyle?
3. Is university education McDonaldized? Discuss with examples
4. Examine the extent to which an organisation or industry reflects the principles of McDonaldization
5. Identify and discuss the irrationalities emerging from a McDonaldized approach to delivering and managing social services
6. Describe, explain, and discuss the experiences of doing McDonaldization

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