A Fig for thee Oh Death Edward Taylors Poem

A Fig for thee Oh Death Edward Taylors Poem Write a three- page, five-paragraph essay. The purpose is to write a persuasive analysis following the conventions of a formal essay

A Fig for thee Oh Death Edward Taylors Poem
A Fig for thee Oh Death Edward Taylors Poem

. In order to write this essay, you need to develop a clearly defined thesis idea in which you indicate the direction
the composition is going to support your assertions with specific references from the text. The focus is you and the reading
itself and not any of the biographical information. For direct quotes from the text, follow the parenthetical documentation
style and provide a works cited page following the MLA format. Make sure you have an attention-grabbing introduction with a
thoughtful discussion of the chosen topic with well – developed paragraphs, the logical transition between paragraphs, and a
graceful closure. Provide a creative title for the essay.
Topic- Analyze Edward Taylor’s poem “A Fig for thee Oh! Death”,
relfecting on his description and attitude toward death and his message
which is firmly rooted in his faith in God. One quote for each paragraph.

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