A Grooming or Hygiene Product That You Use Daily

A Grooming or Hygiene Product That You Use Daily As you have hopefully discovered by now, the concepts of this class should not be limited to the classroom. Critical Thinking is a course designed to help you become better equipped to make reasonable, well-informed decisions in every aspect of your life.

A Grooming or Hygiene Product That You Use Daily
A Grooming or Hygiene Product That You Use Daily

Now is your opportunity to apply the skills learned in this course to something you do almost every day: morning grooming with various grooming products. For many Americans, morning is the time at which they are exposed to the most toxins, and morning is the time at which they consume the most products that may be harmful to other people, animal, and the environment. This assignment is an opportunity for you to learn about one grooming/hygiene product you use while you get ready for your day.

A Grooming or Hygiene Product That You Use Daily

Choose a grooming or hygiene product that you use daily, or almost daily, as you ìget readyî for work or school. It should be a product about which you have little knowledge; it can be anything from your toothpaste to your shampoo to your lipstick. Now do extensive research on that product. Your research should include the following findings:

The specific name/brand of the specific product you are researching

The ingredients of the product,

Any potential harm those ingredients may cause to you, or to the environment (use the skills you acquired in the modules about generalizations from samples to causal studies to help interpret the findings…actually discuss the studies that “prove” that the ingredient is harmful in some way),

A Grooming or Hygiene Product That You Use Daily

Where the ingredients are acquired and any potential environmental or human damage the acquisition of those ingredients may cause (so feel free to discuss human rights issues that you think are relevant)

Any potential harm the actual manufacturing of the product may cause, from the people who make the product, to the waste products from the factory,

Any other information you find useful for the purposes of this assignment.

The goal of this assignment is for you to become better informed about the impact a small action can have on the world, and be more aware of how you affect the world around you. Your essay should prove why the product is bad or harmful in some way, so you are essentially presenting an argument based on the findings of your research. The skills from Module 1 about the components of an argument should be employed in your essay; the concepts from Module 3 about credibility of sources will be relevant here, as you must use sources that are reliable in your essay (and do not forget to cite your sources in MLA format both in text and at the end of your essay); the concepts from Modules 4 and 5 will help you to interpret any studies you may find; and you must avoid the use of rhetorical devices and fallacies in your essay, thus the concepts of Modules 8 and 9 are important in your essay. DO NOT DISCUSS THE RHETORICAL DEVICES OR FALLACIES USED IN THE ADVERTISING OF THE PRODUCT (that topic is irrelevant to the purpose of this assignment).

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