A Legal Studies and The Business Ethics There is a required template attached. Part 1 of 4 – Part 1: Legal Studies and Ethics
Question 1 of 4
100.0 Points
Without question “business ethics” is one of the hot topics of the day.

Over the past months, we have seen business after business charged with improper practices that violate commonly accepted ethical norms. This has led to a loss of confidence in corporate management and has had severe economic consequences. Business ethics serves the important social function of integrating business and society, by promoting the legitimacy of business operations, through critical reflection. The social function of business ethics is implicit in leading business ethics foundation theories. For this question, you will research and respond to questions related to corporate ethics scandals, unethical behavior, and the impact of Sarbanes–Oxley Legislation (SOX). Look for a recent body of research in the area of corporate ethics scandals, unethical behavior, and the impact of SOX legislation. You should be looking for research that differs or improves upon the existing concepts pertaining to corporate ethics scandals, unethical behavior, and the impact of SOX legislation, which you have learned. The research should be from a peer-reviewed scientific journal, trade publication, or professional journal. You can use the Internet to search for a relevant body of research.
Based on your knowledge of corporate ethics scandals, unethical behavior, and the impact of SOX legislation and your chosen research, discuss the following:
- The role of management in setting the organizational tone relative to ethical behavior.
- What should subordinates do when managers act unethically or encourage them to engage in unethical practices?
- Discuss an example of a corporate ethics scandMarketing and Research
A Legal Studies and The Business Ethics
There is a required template attached that must be used.
Reminder: APA format required. Respond in 2100-2450 content words, not including title page, abstract, or references. Include 7 scholarly references in your paper. Turnitin.com report required and must be less than 10%
Part 3 of 4 – Part 3: Marketing and Research
Question 3 of 4
Companies try to forge a marketing channel, a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user. Information, promotion, contact, matching, and negotiation help to complete transactions.
Physical distribution, financing, and risk-taking help to fulfill the completed transactions. Explain why companies use marketing channels and discuss the functions these channels perform.
Reminder: APA format required. Respond in 2100-2450 content words, not including title page, abstract, or references. Include 7 scholarly references in your paper. Turnitin.com report required and must be less than 10%
Your response must be in APA format where appropriate. You will need to include in-text citations and a references list for external references used in supporting your points for this question. You should have no fewer than 7 references for your response to this particular question.
It is imperative that you proofread much more closely for the clarity and integrity that is required in submissions of graduate-level work. Always, in your proofreading process, review where you could make adjustments to both the content and writing mechanics to refine your submission to the threshold that is expected of an MBA candidate. Also, while reviewing, you must proofread and edit closely to assure the writing mechanics support the content of analysis and assessment and do not detract from it. Turnitin.com report required and must be less than 10% al other than Enron.
- Based on the above example, discuss why you believe the unethical behavior occurred.
- Based on the above, discuss what the organization could have done to prevent such occurrences either at the time they happened or in the future.
- Discuss whether the provisions of the SOX act will have a positive effect on corporate ethics practices.
Reminder: APA format required. Respond in 2100-2450 content words, not including title page, abstract, or references in page/word count. Include 7 scholarly references in your paper. Turnitin.com report required and must be less than 10%
You will need to do an in-depth literary search on the topic in order to create a fully-developed response. You will need to include in-text citations and a references list for external references used in supporting your points for this question. You should have no fewer than 7 references for your response to this particular question, 4 of which must be from peer-reviewed sources. Use APA formatting where appropriate.
It is imperative that you proofread closely for the clarity and integrity that is required in submissions of graduate-level work. Always, in your proofreading process, review where you could make adjustments to both the content and writing mechanics to refine your submission to the threshold that is expected of an MBA candidate. Also, while reviewing, you must proofread and edit closely to assure the writing mechanics support the content of analysis and assessment and do not detract from it. Turnitin.com report required and must be less than 10%