A Persuasive Review of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451

A Persuasive Review of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 Your A Persuasive Review of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 assignment is to write a 4 page (or longer) persuasive review of Ray Bradbury’s novel
which must have a title, a thesis statement, a beginning, middle, and end. You will also need works cited
page, in which you list Bradbury’s novel as a source.
Please follow the five-paragraph A Persuasive Review of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 essay structure. Use prewriting techniques to generate ideas if you need to.
The purpose of a persuasive review is to convince the reader of the merits (and/or weaknesses) of a
piece of art, such as a novel.

A Persuasive Review of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451
A Persuasive Review of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451

Imagine that the reader is trying to decide whether or not to pay his or her hard-
earned money to read
Fahrenheit 451
. Are the characters believable? Did the plot make sense? You must
discuss at least two of the following elements of the novel in your A Persuasive Review of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 review:
1. Character.
2. Plot.
3. Structure.
4. Setting.
5. Theme.
You may, if you wish, also answer one or more of the following optional questions in your essay:
1. Which modern inventions (such as big-screen televisions, the I-Pod, and online role-playing games) does Ray Bradbury predict in
Fahrenheit 451
2. In the opening scene, why are the books compared to birds?
3. Montag says that “You never wash it off completely,” referring to the kerosene. What could this mean symbolically?
4. Why do you think that Bradbury would introduce Clarisse before Montag’s wife, Mildred?
5. How is life in Montag’s house very different from that of Clarisse’s house?
6. Is there anything unusual about the way the two men go about helping Mildred? How is it unusual?
7. How is Clarisse different than Mildred?
8. Why does society consider Clarisse “anti-social” (page 29)?
9. On page 40, Beatty reveals something very important about himself and his knowledge. What is it?
10. What has happened to Clarisse? How did it happen?
11. What is unusual about the way Mildred told Montag about Clarisse?
12. Pages 55 to 62 contain great truths about our world. Discuss three things Beatty talks about in his speech to Montag that are true about our world.
Fahrenheit 451 is a novel by science fiction author Ray
Bradbury. It is a story set in the United States in the future.
In the future, books are illegal, and the Firemen burn books A Persuasive Review of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451
on behalf of the government. One of their symbols is the number 451, which is the temperature at which books start to burn.
The novel is memorable because of its main character, Guy Montag, who goes from being a Fireman to
being a fugitive. The A Persuasive Review of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 novel also features several intriguing symbols, such as a white clown and a mechanical hound.

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