Administrative Tribunal for Assessment Review Board of Ontario You will choose the Assessment Review Board of Ontario

Answer all of the questions below that will guide you through the steps of the tribunal preparation.
Using the scenarios attached create a presentation plan for your case before the tribunal of your choice.
Administrative Tribunal for Assessment Review Board of Ontario
- What is the jurisdiction of the matters raised in the scenario?
- Who are the direct parties? Are there any indirect parties?
- Describe the main issues and make the arguments that support your client’s position. Set out what issues you expect the other side to rise.
- List and explain the relevance of the witnesses (expert and non-expert) necessary to the case and who should take part in the hearing.
- Summarize and assess the credibility of all of the evidence (expert and non – expert evidence) required to prove the issues you have raised.
- Recommend a type of hearing (oral, written or electronic) for your client and why is that type of hearing appropriate for the client?
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