An Analysis of Films using the Auteur Theory Film Studies – How Films Work Create an analysis of films using the auteur theory.
Through this analysis you must show a clear understanding of the theory, whilst concentrating on : How the narrative of the films is constructed; whether it uses realism, anti-realism, surrealism, expressionism etc. An Analysis of Films using the Auteur Theory
You must also concentrate on the context in which the film was released: Looking at whether it was released in a national, global, mainstream, independent or alternative context.
-Also conduct a piece of research which shows a personal response and an audience response linking it to the auteur theory and the films chosen. The research collected should be analyzed and applied to : a theoretical model of film analysis, visual & technical signification, audience reception theory and narrative and context. An Analysis of Films using the Auteur Theory Film Studies – How Films Work Create an analysis of films using the auteur theory.
An Analysis of Films using the Auteur Theory Assignment Guidelines
Through this analysis you must show a clear understanding of the theory, whilst concentrating on : How the narrative of the films is constructed; whether it uses realism, anti-realism, surrealism, expressionism etc.
You must also concentrate on the context in which the film was released: Looking at whether it was released in a national, global, mainstream, independent or alternative context. An Analysis of Films using the Auteur Theory
-Also conduct a piece of research which shows a personal response and an audience response linking it to the auteur theory and the films chosen.
An Analysis of Films using the Auteur Theory and Personal Research
The research collected should be analyzed and applied to : a theoretical model of film analysis, visual & technical signification, audience reception theory and narrative and context. Through this analysis you must show a clear understanding of the theory, whilst concentrating on : How the narrative of the films is constructed; whether it uses realism, anti-realism, surrealism, expressionism etc.
You must also concentrate on the context in which the film was released: Looking at whether it was released in a national, global, mainstream, independent or alternative context. An Analysis of Films using the Auteur Theory