The Study of Aquatic Environmental Toxicology

Aquatic Environmental Toxicology

Please answer these questions on Aquatic Environmental Toxicology which contains two parts (A and B). Each one in one paper from your experience and please don’t search in the internet and put what other people said because you will not find the answer of these questions on the internet!

The photo depicts Aquatic Environmental Toxicology
The Environmental Science

I’m not worried about the source as much as how much the answer is perfect.
I’m taking this course (aquatic environmental toxicology), so please make sure to be in this field.
Also make sure to answer the questions as best as you can.
Part A
How would conduct a rapid and cost-effective estimation of bio-accumulation potential? Hint: Keep in mind the easiest and least expensive method and describe it in details. (half a page)
Why would you use this method?
and what will be the approximate cost in US dollars? Explain.
Part B
How does clean water ACT administered by the US EPA help to determine what the level of chemicals should be in our Nation’s navigable waters?
How is the integrity of water estimated?

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