Architecture the Built Environment

Architecture the Built Environment An ongoing theme of our course has been to look at how interdisciplinary teams collaborate to create the built environment.

Architecture the Built Environment
Architecture the Built Environment

How have digital advances led to better collaboration among building design (architects, engineers, landscape architects) and construction teams? What role has digital technology played in the emergence of a new kind of building design? How have innovations related to digital technology changed the practice of architecture and construction?

Architecture the Built Environment Writing Assignment

Please use specific examples of architects, engineers, (contractors or fabricators, if applicable and possible) and projects.
1. Your writing assignment should possess a clear, concise thesis. It is unnecessary to list facts about a building or an architect unless they support this specific thesis. In fact, adding superfluous information only distracts your reader from your argument. Your assignment does not need to be long. Please do not include anecdotal information in your response.
2. Use language and tone appropriate for academic writing.
3. Please cite your sources. You can use other people’s writing to prove your point. Keep in mind how often David Celanto cites his sources in his article titled, “Innovate or Perish: New Technologies and
Architecture’s Future.”
4. Please proofread your assignments before submitting them.
• The use of appropriate resources • Thoughtful discussion and analysis
• The organization of ideas & the overall strength of written communication in sentences and paragraphs
• Appropriate citations for quotations and references to the texts and to other resources including the internet
• Required formatting: double-spaced with 1” margins, 12pt font • Appropriate length (3-4 pages)
• Inclusion of images, if appropriate to convey important points. These images do not count toward the minimum page requirement.

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