Argumentative and Academic Essay about Success

Argumentative and Academic Essay about Success My tutor want us to write about success. he wants three different essays about it.

Argumentative and Academic Essay about Success
Argumentative and Academic Essay about Success

1. write a short story about success 2 pages
2. write an argumentative essay about success =2 pages
3. write an academic essay about seccess =2 pages
He also askes us to do the same but with different theme. here you can choose to do the three type of essays (academic, short story and argumentative) with
– favourite place of entertainment
or – a gift that changes my life
1. short story 2 pages
2. academic essay 2 pages
3. argumentative essay 2 pages.
so the first 6 pages are about success using three writing types (academic, short story and argumentative)
the other 6 pages you choose one theme
aftert choosing one
write about it using
( academic, short story and argumentative) essays

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