Article on Innovation and Organization Culture

Article on Innovation and Organization Culture Order Instructions: The writer will have to read each of this articles and react to them by commenting, analyzing and supporting with relevant articles.

Article on Innovation and Organization Culture
Article on Innovation and Organization Culture

The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments on the article. The writer should write a one paragraph of at least 150 words criticizing and offering constructive feedbacks and not just rephrasing the writers work but offering alternatives or acknowledging the writers work. APA and in text citation must be use as each respond to the two articles must have in text citations. The writer will have to use pear review articles to supports his comments in each of the article. Address the content of each article below in a one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.

Article on Innovation and Organization Culture Sample Answer

This article clearly explains the meaning of innovation and organization culture. The author also went ahead to account for the importance of innovation in an organization setting such as to improve competition and to enhance the acceptability in the market. Be as it may, organization culture refers to organization beliefs, practices, and values which are combined to differentiate an organization from others (Büschgens et al., 2013). The writer has done an excellent job in clearly defining and citing the meaning of organization culture. Similarly, the author can clearly identify the relationship between organization culture and innovation.

The author is also able to show clearly the importance of organization leaders in encouraging innovations. The importance of putting systems, technology, and the requisite conditions that provide transparency and promote innovation (Uzkurt et al., 2013). The writer is also able to clearly articulate and explain the importance of effective management of an innovative project. The paper also gives ways in which project manager should manage innovative projects. In conclusion, innovation is important to organization success. The organization culture is important as it sets an environment for the success of innovation.

Article on Innovation and Organization Culture References

Büschgens, T., Bausch, A., & Balkin, D. B. (2013). Organizational Culture and Innovation: A Meta‐Analytic Review. Journal of product innovation management30(4), 763-781.

Uzkurt, C., Kumar, R., Semih Kimzan, H., & Eminoglu, G. (2013). Role of innovation in the relationship between organizational culture and firm performance: A study of the banking sector in Turkey. European Journal of innovation management16(1), 92-117.

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