Assisted Living Facility Exercise and Budget

Assisted Living Facility Exercise and Budget Visit an Assisted Living Facility and write up your impression of the community and prepare a budget to secure placement for your aging loved one.

Assisted Living Facility Exercise and Budget
Assisted Living Facility Exercise and Budget

Please take some of the following items into account:

What is the average family income for the Charleston area Location- is it convenient for the family to visit?

Are hospitals and physicians accessible?

Buildings- Is the facility licensed

Are walking areas safe?

Is the establishment clean, odor free and well maintained?

Is the facility monitored twenty-four hours a day?

Is the staff happy, well- trained and adequately paid?

Are the residents happy?

Is the establishment rated

Is the food nutritious

Are the activities provided stimulating for the residents?

Is the placement affordable and if not are there other programs to reduce the cost?

Would you like to live in that facility?

How would you balance your work and family obligations?

This is the link the living home I want to use it’s in Sedalia Missouri, the information doesn’t need to be 100% accurate, some information is found on the website listed below. You do not actually need to visit anything just collect information. Do not hesitate with any questions

Four Seasons Living Center, L.L.C.

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