Basic Goals of the Therapeutic Process 1. Suppose someone struggling with too many different therapy options asks you to explain therapy and the different approaches of psychotherapy.
How would you explain the basic goals of the therapeutic process? How would you explain the four major approaches of psychotherapy? In your response, include the name
of the psychologist or theorist associated with each of the four major approaches.
2. Regarding therapeutic treatment of disorders and problems of daily living, the goal of research is to discover the most efficient ways to overcome
distress. How do researchers test the effectiveness of particular therapies and make comparisons between therapies?
3. Briefly describe the Asch Effect. Briefly explain the findings of Milgram’s Obedience Study. In your response, discuss what you learned from each study.
4. Briefly discuss prosocial behavior. In your response include a very brief explanation of the “four forces” associated with prosocial behavior.