Black Jack as Game and not Money Gambling

Black Jack as Game and not Money Gambling 1) Introduction
Introduce your game and highlight the most significant characteristics of your game. Explain in general the applied skills while playing your game.

Black Jack as Game and not Money Gambling
Black Jack as Game and not Money Gambling

2) Explain and describe in details which materials / apparatuses / devices are needed to play your game.
3) Describe the major rules of your game. Please mention all rules that are needed to play the game properly.
4) Please state clearly the objectives of your game.
5) Please show the Psycho-Socio-Physiological effects for kids in comparison to adults and elderly people.
6) Please discuss your term paper game and compare it to some other games.
7) Reference List
8) Appendix if any
note that sources should be authentic (books, articles, journals, online encyclopedia britannica only …) wikipedia is not allowed.

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