Book and the Internet on Wireless Attacks

Book and the Internet on Wireless Attacks 1) Using your book and the Internet, please explain the following Wireless Attacks:

Book and the Internet on Wireless Attacks
Book and the Internet on Wireless Attacks
  1. Wardriving
  2. Warflying
  3. Warchalking

Be sure to cite your sources, the post must contain at least three sources (one can be your textbook).

Rob Shimonski would like to thank Martin Grasdal (contributing author on the Security+ book) for original content creation. Martin has by far created one of the most outstanding and complete chapters on Wireless fundamentals and security in the Security+ book that you will find anywhere. In general, attacks on wireless networks fall into four basic categories: passive attacks, active attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and jamming attacks.

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