Business Transformation to become Remarkable Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable. Author: Seth Godin
Report and PowerPoint
The report should include a title page and references or bibliography page.
Give a brief summary of your book.
Apply principles from the book to your current or future job situation. ( Contract Safety Supervisor in Refineries)
Report length 5-7 pages (including Title page and references page)
You may use other sources in addition to the book you are reporting on, but be sure to list sources on the references page.
Create a PowerPoint presentation to summarize Book Report 3. Attach to this assignment page and click the submit button.
Do not include long paragraphs of text on a slide.
Use short bullet points instead to summarize the long paragraphs of text in your report.
Do not have any font smaller than 24 points.
Do include appropriate graphics: charts, pictures, clip art, etc., to make it more interesting.
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