Canadian Impact on the Development History

Canadian Impact on the Development History Essay Topic- Which three international events since WW1 have had the most significant impact on the development of Canada as a Nation?

Canadian Impact on the Development History
Canadian Impact on the Development History

The thesis that I chose- Three International events that have had the most significant impact on the development of Canada as a Nation since WW1 are Vimy Ridge, D-Day, and The Korean War. 5 Paragraphs Paragraph 1 – Introduction – background information – thesis -list 3 subtopics Paragraph 2 – Vimy Ridge – introduce subtopic 1 – state evidence – Give critical analysis of evidence and connect to thesis – transition to next section Paragraph 3 – D- Day – Introduce subtopic 2 – state evidence – Give critical analysis of evidence and connect to thesis – transition to next section Paragraph 4 – Korrean War (or another subject that would make sense) – Introduce subtopic 3 – state evidence – Give critical analysis of evidence and connect to thesis Paragraph 5- Conclusion – restate thesis – restate 3 subtopics – positive and moral lesson This is for my grade 10 academic history class. Need the list of sources that you used to be added at the end in the works cited page, on a separate page. Endnotes and a bibliography (Chicago Style). and don’t use Wikipedia. Needs to be double-spaced, using a 12pt font (Times New Roman). No title on the first page. Separate title page. No images throughout.

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