Canadian Surveillance Systems and EHRs

Canadian Surveillance Systems and EHRs
Canadian Surveillance Systems and EHRs

Canadian Surveillance Systems and EHRs

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Canadian Surveillance Systems and EHRs

In today’s technology-driven world, communication often occurs through the use of electronic devices. From cell phones to computers, society relies on these electronic devices on a regular basis. In response to this trend, many agencies and governments are promoting the use of electronic communication tools such as electronic health records (EHRs). For instance, the Canadian government has funded billions of dollars toward the use of EHRs (Health Canada, 2009; Office of the Auditor General of Canada, 2010.
Select two Canadian disease surveillance systems of interest to you. Then, consider the implications of EHRs for each of the systems.

post a brief description of each of the Canadian surveillance systems you selected. Describe how EHRs are used in the two systems, noting similarities and differences between the two you selected. Analyze the potential challenges and opportunities of using EHRs in a similar manner in your own country. Provide recommendations for how those challenges might be addressed. Respond to a colleague who provided different recommendations and/or who addressed different systems than you.

Use APA formatting for your discussion and to cite your resources.


Canadian Surveillance Systems and EHRs

There are many forms of Canadian Surveillance Systems that are currently in use. Among them include the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (Diabetes) and the Canadian Communicable Disease Surveillance System. The Chronic Disease Surveillance System (Diabetes) became established in 1997. The system was to use of administrative health data to collect information about diabetes and manage it effectively. Electronic Health Records have an implication on the surveillance system. For example, with the data, the surveillance systems for diabetes can identify the trends in diabetes (Robitaille et al., 2012). Hence, it becomes easier to know if the disease-causing mechanisms are evolving. On the other hand, the Canadian Communicable Disease Surveillance System is a disease monitoring and evaluation procedure that takes care of changes in the health of a population ((James et al., 2012). As a result, it takes into consideration their care, prevention and control programs (James et al., 2012).

With the use of EHRs in health facilities, there are some similarities and differences that the two Canadian surveillance systems incur. For example, EHR data has not yet become fully centralized (Terry et al., 2008). As a result, it happens that the two forms of surveillance have different EHR units that they have their data input for future use in surveillance. The analysis of data from various surveillance systems also does qualify in uniformity (Terry et al., 2008). Hence, there are differences between communicable and chronic diseases surveillance in relation to EHR programs. However, there are also similarities. HER policies are uniform across the platform, and when it comes to disease surveillance systems, they apply in equal measures.

Using EHR has challenges, and they depend on the country that they are being applied, in my country; the use of EHR systems will undergo major setbacks due to inconsistency in data collection and reporting. Quality reporting requirements provide another challenge that comes with the usage of electronic reporting in my country. There are situations where the information fed into the systems will not represent the reality. In the process, the information will mislead causing the reporting systems to make a wrong perception and conclusion. There are several issues that come with the use of EHR systems. Among them include feasibility of the data and its viability (Terry et al., 2008). Additionally, other challenges include the challenge of taking up a well-tested measure to see if they apply in the right frames.

Despite some of these challenges very general, they apply to my native country and are very rampant. To deal with them, it becomes important to consider their source and come up with a strategy. Governments should come out and engage in engage in health research to see how to improve the surveillance systems. With the possibility of succeeding, most of the issues that come with the condition will reduce in their sharpness or become eradicated altogether.

One of my colleagues chose to address the blood transfusion surveillance system used in Canada. For this type of surveillance system, there is a high likelihood that it has success chances. For example, in the collection of information from the blood transfusions and donations taking place, the data collected becomes huge. Hence, it is used to check diseases in the blood, and how it reacts in different individuals. In the end, all the information and surveillance will have a greater positive effect. Most the systems however work in a similar ways with the only difference coming from their application and use of EHR systems.


James, R. C., Blanchard, J. F., Campbell, D., Clottey, C., Osei, W., Svenson, L. W., &

Noseworthy, T. W. (2003). A model for non-communicable disease surveillance in Canada: the prairie pilot diabetes surveillance system. Chronic diseases in Canada, 25(1), 7-12.

Robitaille, C., Dai, S., Waters, C., Loukine, L., Bancej, C., Quach, S., … & Quan, H. (2012).

Diagnosed hypertension in Canada: incidence, prevalence and associated mortality. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 184(1), E49-E56.

Terry, A. L., Thorpe, C. F., Giles, G., Brown, J. B., Harris, S. B., Reid, G. J., … & Stewart, M.

(2008). Implementing electronic health records Key factors in primary care. Canadian Family Physician, 54(5), 730-736.

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