Care practices related to fall incidents

Care practices related to fall incidents

Care practices related to fall incidents

Evidence Translation and Change Responses

Undeniably, care practices related to fall incidents among adult or elderly patients necessitate adherence to guidelines based on evidence or preexisting interventions applied within a facility to manage pr mitigate similar occurrences. Specifically, continuous determination and evaluation of various chronic illnesses foster identifying the areas in which improvement in the health condition’s management can be effectively achieved (Bridenbaugh & Kressig, 2019). It further facilitates developing different ways under which the knowledge and factual gaps may be addressed in the nursing practices to minimize fall incidents. As such, the common barriers to translating evidence in addressing fall incidences include the patients’ ability to self-manage and the nurses’ inadequacy in terms of knowledge. Along with other healthcare professionals, nurses require adequate knowledge to identify, assess, and manage/address their patients’ health needs and further teach them about their treatment plans (Ge et al. 2020).

The strategies adopted to remain aware of new evidence include continually reviewing the current research on patient falls and the recommended approaches developed by various organizations. It may further involve working alongside other professionals across multiple care settings to determine their knowledge base and understanding of the different ways of managing patient falls (Ge et al. 2020). This way, interprofessional collaboration would foster effectiveness and efficiency in addressing various issues. However, determining the evidence that should be implemented necessitates the emphasis on relevance, accuracy, and significance to patient falls among the adult and elderly population. Similarly, continuation and sustainability of the changes proposed would involve alignment of the organization’s goals with those of the employees and the factors that will be adjusted throughout the firm (Woolf et al. 2015).


Bridenbaugh, S. A., & Kressig, R. W. (2019). Epidemiology and falls risk factors in cognitively impaired older adults. Falls and Cognition in Older Persons, 35-48.

Ge, L., Yap, C. W., Heng, B. H., & Tan, W. S. (2020). Frailty and healthcare utilisation across care settings among community-dwelling older adults in Singapore.

Woolf, S. H., Purnell, J. Q., Simon, S. M., Zimmerman, E. B., Camberos, G. J., Haley, A., & Fields, R. P. (2015). Translating evidence into population health improvement: Strategies and barriers. Annual Review of Public Health36(1), 463-482.

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