Jules Henri Poincaré Essay Assignment

Jules Henri Poincaré
Jules Henri Poincaré

Jules Henri Poincaré Essay

Jules Henri Poincaré
Introduction: Henri Poincaré made significant contributions to many fields.
I. Early life and Education
II. Contributions to various fields
a. Mathematics
b. Physics
c. Philosophy
III. Nobel Prize just out of reach

Jules Henri Poincaré

Henri Poincaré was born Jules Henri Poincaré in Nancy, France on April 29, 1854. He is considered to be one of the last of the universal scholars. He was proficient in Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Engineering, and Philosophy.

He died rather suddenly and unexpectedly on July 17, 1912 at the age of 58. While he made significant contributions to the many fields listed above, this paper will focus on his Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy contributions.

For example, Poincaré actually published a paper about what would later become known as Special Relativity before Einstein published his famous paper in 1905.

In this paper I will compare and contrast Poincaré’s submission with Einstein’s submission. One point of contrast is that Poincaré retained the theory that there was a luminiferous ether that made up the vastness of the universe, while Einstein disregarded it.

Perhaps this error combined with Poincaré’s untimely death explains why Einstein’s theory was exalted over his earlier work. This will be a point of exploration in this paper.

Annotated Bibliography

Gray, Jeremy. Henri Poincaré: A Scientific Biography, Princeton University Press, 2012. – This book is a biography of Poincaré from a scientific perspective. It will provide information about specific scientific works of Poincaré.

Ginoux, Jean-Marc, and Christian Gerini. Henri Poincaré: A Biography Through the Daily Papers, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 2014. – This book is a biography of Poincaré based on the papers published during his lifetime. It will provide information about the thoughts and ideas of Poincaré’s contemporaries.

Natalie, Pierre. “Jules Henri Poincaré: Timeline of Significant Dates.” Letters Mathematica, vol. 1, no. 1, Springer Milan, June 2013, pp. 83-87, doi:10.1007/s40329-013-0006-0. – This article contains a timeline of significant dates in the life of Poincaré. As such, it will give me a timeline for Poincaré’s major milestones.

Salient Del Colombo, Emma. “Einstein, Poincaré and Special Relativity.” Lettera Matematica, vol. 1, no. 1, Springer Milan, June 2013, pp. 77-78, doi:10.1007/s40329-013-0013-1. – This article explores the relationship that existed, if any, between Einstein and Poincaré. It will provide information about how the connection between Einstein and Poincaré may have resulted in the creation of the theory of Special Relativity.

Ivanova, Milena. “Poincaré’s Aesthetics of Science.” vol. 194, no. 7, 2017, pp. 2581-2594. doi:10.1007/s11229-016-1069-1. – This article explores how Poincaré strove to find beauty and unity in his work. It will help to understand and describe Poincaré’s philosophy of science.

Nastasi, Pietro. “A Nobel Prize for Poincaré?” Lettera Matematica, vol. 1, no. 1, Springer Milan, June 2013, pp. 79-82, doi:10.1007/s40329-013-0005-1. – This article describes the efforts made on Poincaré’s behalf to get him a Nobel Prize. It will help provide information about why Poincaré never received one.

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European Housing in Neolithic Era Bibliography

European Housing in Neolithic Era Bibliography Part II: Working Bibliography. (50 pts.) A research paper consists of ideas summarized, paraphrased, or quoted from secondary sources (ideas written by experts in the field).

European Housing in Neolithic Era Bibliography
European Housing in Neolithic Era Bibliography

These sources will need to be approved by the instructor PRIOR to the writing of the paper. When students hand in the Working Bibliography, they need not have read or studied the sources, just identified them as potential sources.

The Working Bibliography will be in MLA format. Please see links on companion and attend the lecture for further explanation. Excuses will not be accepted. Students are required to ask for help in using MLA format.

European Housing in Neolithic Era Bibliography

Six sources (minimumómore is fine) will need to be identified. A minimum of four sources will need to be used in the final paper. Sources may be added later, but each new source will need to be approved. Sources should include the following:

2-3 books (You can use ebooks or print books; EBSCOhost has an ebook database, but many of these are outdated) The textbook cannot be one of your six but can be referenced in your paper.

2-3 database or online journal articles (Start with EbscoHost databases: Academic Search Complete, Masterfile Premier, Academic Search Premier, and Omnifile Full Text)

1-2 scholarly websites (from museums, universities, organizations associated with the humanities in a professional way).

You may not use in the paper sources such as:




Any other generalized site. However, you may consult these initially for ideas during the proposal stage and before beginning scholarly research.

Hand in:

A six-source working bibliography in MLA format (double-spaced, hanging indentation, alphabetical order).

The bibliography should be labeled with the studentís name, the course name, the instructorís name, and ìWorking Bibliographyî as a centered title. Attach the rubric and Part I to the top of Part II.

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Analyzing a Passage from The Division of Labor

Analyzing a Passage from The Division of Labor in Society Durkheim in The Division of Labor in Society writes about ìthe forced division of laborî as a ìabnormal form. î He writes:

Analyzing a Passage from The Division of Labor
Analyzing a Passage from The Division of Labor

ìWe may, therefore, state that the division of labor only produces solidarity if it is spontaneous, and to the degree that it is spontaneous. But spontaneity must mean not simply the absence of any deliberate, formal type of violence, but of anything that may hamper, even indirectly, the free unfolding of the social force each individual contains within himself. It not only supposes that individuals are not consigned forcibly to performing certain determined functions, but that no obstacle whatsoever prevents them from occupying within the ranks of society a position commensurate to their abilities. In short, labor only divides up spontaneously if society is constituted in such a way that social inequalities express precisely natural inequalities. It is a necessary and sufficient condition for these inequalities neither to be emphasized nor played down through some external cause.”

In this essay, first explain the meaning of this passage: what does Durkheim mean by social inequality (i.e., how is it different from natural inequality?)? Why does social inequality compromise organic solidarity? What is the relation of spontaneity to organic solidarity? Why does Durkheim describe the ìfree unfolding of the social forceî of each individual as a synonym for spontaneity?

Analyzing a Passage from The Division of Labor

Second, consider the implications of Durkheim describing non-spontaneous inequality as an expression of ìthe forced division of labor,î as a ìabnormal formî of the division of labor. Is all inequality, for him, incompatible with organic solidarity, or only a certain kind of inequality? Stated differently, for Durkheim, is organic solidarity possible with social inequalities? Why is solving the problem of social inequality necessary for the achievement of organic solidarity?

Finally, contrast Durkheimís understanding of social inequality (or inequalities) with Marxís. Of what consequence is it that Durkheim emphasizes the problem of solidarity to describe modern society while Marx emphasizes class struggle? Both Marx and Durkheim are critical of contemporary capitalism and the inequalities that characterize modern society. Are they, therefore, in agreement concerning the possibility of social and political stability and/or political and social reform in a modern capitalist society? Explain your answer, using quotes from the text for both Durkheim and Marx, where appropriate. For Marx, is spontaneity possible in a capitalist society?

The paper needs to be 4 – 5 pages in length, typed, double-spaced. CITE EVERYTHING.

Analyzing a Passage from The Division of Labor Readings

Karl Marx: Class Struggle and Social Structure

Reading assignment: The Communist Manifesto, pgs. 473-491

Karl Marx: Alienation and Dialectical History

Reading assignment: Introduction to the Marx-Engels Reader, pgs. xix-xxxviii; “On the Jewish Question,” pgs. 26-46

Karl Marx: The Engine of Social Change and the Economic Substructure

Reading assignment: The German Ideology, pgs. 146-163; 176-86;193-200

Emile Durkheim: Organic Solidarity and Modern Society

Reading assignment: The Division of Labor

Emile Durkheim: The Abnormal Forms of Social Life

Reading assignment: The Division of Labor

Bibliography on Blackface the Pros and Cons

Bibliography on Blackface the Pros and Cons Blackface the pros and cons and just give lots of information on it but first thing first is the Bibliography need to be done then from there the paper but I need the same person working on both so it could match up.

Bibliography on Blackface the Pros and Cons
Bibliography on Blackface the Pros and Cons

Christmas comes early to the good children of the Netherlands. In mid-November, St. Nicholas, known there as Sinterklaas, arrives via steamship from Spain for two weeks of celebrations leading up to the eve of his birthday, December 5, when Dutch families and friends exchange gifts. But Sinterklaas doesn’t come alone.

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Lesson Objectives: 1. Describe the people living in North America before the arrival of Columbus. What type of family arrangements, governments, and economies was present? 2. Summarize why Europeans colonized the New World. 3. Explain the benefits and consequences of the Columbian Exchange. 4. Identify the most significant reason why Europeans were successful in their colonization efforts. Your Meme MUST address one of the Lesson Objectives from One of the Six Modules covered in class.
Lesson Objectives:
The purpose of the task is for students to demonstrate their knowledge AND understanding of the literary text.
This project does require a little more of students than “making a meme” just for the sake of doing so. It is more about students showcasing a full interpretation of the text in depth.

HTML, XHTML and CSS Research Paper




1. Define and describe the use of link pages?
2. Describe text wrapping.
3. What tags are used to color background?
4. What tags are used to align picture and images?
5. How do you save and validate an HTML file?
6. Why do we need margin properties?
7. What is the use of the
8. What is the use of the 9. Define and describe the use of the embedded style statement.
10. Describe the table and table element?
11. Describe the three-step process creating a table.
12. Define and describe the importance of the horizontal menu bar.
13. Define an external style sheet.
14. How would you determine which type of style sheet to use in a web site?
15. Define and describe cell-spacing.
Define and describe cell-padding.
16. Define and describe a table border>
17.What is the purpose of the image map button bar?
18. What are the two types of image map?
19. Describe each type and their purposes?
20. What is the four image map process?
21. Describe each process stage.
22. Describe the image coordinates and their purposes.
23. Creating table which HTML tag is needed?
24. Describe each tag respond for question 9.

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Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad

Annotated bibliography must begin with the citation of the source in the appropriate format (Chicago style bibliographic format). Below required a paragraph of about 100-150 words (preferably around 150) that touches upon a few elements.

These elements are:
1. The TOPIC AREA or CONTEXT for research — what is/are the author(s) trying to discover and why is it important.
2. The METHODOLOGY that the author(s) followed — How did he/she/they conduct their research? What approach did he/she/they take to the topic? How did he/she/they connect the evidence or data to…
3. The CONCLUSIONS and ARGUMENTS that the author(s) made — What conclusion, arguments, and/or recommendations do(es) the author(s) come(s) to as a result of their research?

Paragraph should seek to summarize the source o part of that source that relate to your topic. Paraphrasing will be useful and necessary at times. Do not quote. It should be clear that the source has been read in question.

Annotated bibliography will be assessed according to three criteria: source quality, correctness of citations, and paragraph quality (most important).

This annotated bibliography has to do with a research proposal I have done on Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad. I will attach the document and included in it are 3 sources. This annotated bibliography must be done on a high quality source. You can choose one of the three that are already on the proposal, but if you think they aren’t good enough pertaining to the topic and proposal feel free to do it on a source which you think is better. Sources expected to be 10+ pages on the low end. In the attached proposal you will see that the paper will seek to determine how Harriet and other underground railroad activists contributed towards the end of slavery.

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Both phases should be addressed equally. What are some of the response capabilities in your jurisdiction is there a HAZMAT or SWAT team? Is the Department of Health considered? Who runs short term recovery? Long term recovery?

Hazmat or Swat Team Disaster Response and Recovery Details

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