Biography on Queen Latifah Research Paper 5 page Biography on Queen Latifah real name is Dana Elaine Owens.
Biography on Queen Latifah Research Paper
5 sources either from a book or credible website, film, journals, or texts. (NO Wikipedia, SparkNotes, cliff notes). I need a work cited page as well. In the biography discuss their life, works, and influence on the world. Queen Latifah is a Grammy Award-winning rapper, record producer and actress, known for her roles in the big screen adaptation of ‘Chicago’ and the HBO film ‘Bessie.’ Famed musician and actress Queen Latifah was born on March 18, 1970, in Newark, New Jersey.
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The Statecraft of Charlemagne and Louis IX Kingship in Medieval Europe and The Statecraft of Charlemagne and Louis IX (St. Louis)
The Statecraft of Charlemagne and Louis IX
The Statecraft of Charlemagne and Louis IX Paper Guidelines
Books required with the two biographies:
Einhard & Notker, Two Lives of Charlemagne
Joinville & Villehardouin, Chronicles of the Crusades
The detailed instructions for the paper itself are listed below.
IN ESSAY FORMAT NOT JUST ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS. Discuss the following in the essay.
Discuss some biographical details- what can we say about the personalities of the two kings?
What do they have in common? How do they differ from each other? What are some of their strengths and weaknesses?
Compare the Statecraft of the two kings- how do they administer their kingdoms? What are their domestic and foreign policies?
The Statecraft of Charlemagne and Louis IX
What were their aims and strategies in warfare?
How does each king treat their subjects (noble and common), the church, and their enemies?
Does the role of the king seem to have changed from the time of Charlemagne to that of St. Louis?
NO OUTSIDE SOURCES EITHER! Just the two Biographies!
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The assignment is to write a 10 page paper on David Ricardo. . Be sure to explain how Ricardo’s environment and the time period he was alive, affected his thoughts and ideas.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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150 words (minimum), approximately two paragraphs. No introduction or conclusion needed.
This should be a summary of your reading assignment and prove that you not only completed the required reading but that you understood the content or completed additional research to understand your assignment.
If you have any specific questions regarding the reading assignment, please post them here and/or bring them to class.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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Muhammad Ali Pasha the Founder of Modern Egypt Muhammad Ali Pasha is often considered the founder of modern Egypt despite some of his controversial policies and reforms.
Muhammad Ali Pasha the Founder of Modern Egypt
How did Muhammad Ali Pasha come to govern Egypt? What were his reforms that made Egypt a formidable or controversial power in the
Answer each question and make an essay between 4.5 to 5 pages, double spaced, and 1-inch margin all around.
Use your own words and use academic words. Muḥammad ʿAlī’s ethnic background is unknown, though he may have been an Albanian and was certainly a Muslim and an Ottoman subject.
His father, Ibrahim Agha, the commander of a small provincial military force that was maintained by the governor of Kavala, died when Muḥammad ʿAlī was a boy, and he was brought up by the governor.
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Prepare your responses to the following 3 questions.
1. Who is Grace Hopper and what were her contributions to computing?
2. Consider one of the following technologies presented in the following list. Find a link to a description of the technology and answer the questions below.
Compact disc
Mechanical television
Automated teller machine
For one of the technologies, provide the following responses
a) Paste a link to a description of this technology.
b) In one or two sentences, state what this technology improved upon.
c) Mention whether or not this technology is prevalent today.
d) Provide some positive benefits from the use of the technology
e) Provide some consequences of the use of that technology.
Try to use words such as benefit, harm, right, obligation, or duty in your discussion. Feel free to include any question that arises from your discussion.
Jules Henri Poincaré
Introduction: Henri Poincaré made significant contributions to many fields.
I. Early life and Education
II. Contributions to various fields
a. Mathematics
b. Physics
c. Philosophy
III. Nobel Prize just out of reach
Jules Henri Poincaré
Henri Poincaré was born Jules Henri Poincaré in Nancy, France on April 29, 1854. He is considered to be one of the last of the universal scholars. He was proficient in Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Engineering, and Philosophy.
He died rather suddenly and unexpectedly on July 17, 1912 at the age of 58. While he made significant contributions to the many fields listed above, this paper will focus on his Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy contributions.
For example, Poincaré actually published a paper about what would later become known as Special Relativity before Einstein published his famous paper in 1905.
In this paper I will compare and contrast Poincaré’s submission with Einstein’s submission. One point of contrast is that Poincaré retained the theory that there was a luminiferous ether that made up the vastness of the universe, while Einstein disregarded it.
Perhaps this error combined with Poincaré’s untimely death explains why Einstein’s theory was exalted over his earlier work. This will be a point of exploration in this paper.
Annotated Bibliography
Gray, Jeremy. Henri Poincaré: A Scientific Biography, Princeton University Press, 2012. – This book is a biography of Poincaré from a scientific perspective. It will provide information about specific scientific works of Poincaré.
Ginoux, Jean-Marc, and Christian Gerini. Henri Poincaré: A Biography Through the Daily Papers, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 2014. – This book is a biography of Poincaré based on the papers published during his lifetime. It will provide information about the thoughts and ideas of Poincaré’s contemporaries.
Natalie, Pierre. “Jules Henri Poincaré: Timeline of Significant Dates.” Letters Mathematica, vol. 1, no. 1, Springer Milan, June 2013, pp. 83-87, doi:10.1007/s40329-013-0006-0. – This article contains a timeline of significant dates in the life of Poincaré. As such, it will give me a timeline for Poincaré’s major milestones.
Salient Del Colombo, Emma. “Einstein, Poincaré and Special Relativity.” Lettera Matematica, vol. 1, no. 1, Springer Milan, June 2013, pp. 77-78, doi:10.1007/s40329-013-0013-1. – This article explores the relationship that existed, if any, between Einstein and Poincaré. It will provide information about how the connection between Einstein and Poincaré may have resulted in the creation of the theory of Special Relativity.
Ivanova, Milena. “Poincaré’s Aesthetics of Science.” vol. 194, no. 7, 2017, pp. 2581-2594. doi:10.1007/s11229-016-1069-1. – This article explores how Poincaré strove to find beauty and unity in his work. It will help to understand and describe Poincaré’s philosophy of science.
Nastasi, Pietro. “A Nobel Prize for Poincaré?” Lettera Matematica, vol. 1, no. 1, Springer Milan, June 2013, pp. 79-82, doi:10.1007/s40329-013-0005-1. – This article describes the efforts made on Poincaré’s behalf to get him a Nobel Prize. It will help provide information about why Poincaré never received one.
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How Achebe Life Influenced His Work – Referring to and quoting secondary sources and primary texts, amply discuss what you have learned about your chosen author(Chinua Achebe); a brief biography/background, influences, and the style and themes of your author’s work(s).
How Achebe Life Influenced His Work
Discuss how this author’s life has influenced his/her writing/style. This paper is NOT to be a biography alone; compare works to some aspect of his/her life. Literary Techniques– discuss not only what the writer writes about (themes for example), but also how he or she employs specific literary techniques to bring said themes to life. In other words, this essay does not focus solely on the author’s biography, but also on the works, techniques, themes, and style of his/her writing. Form– This paper should be 6 pages (not including the works cited page), double-spaced, and written in 12 point font. Do not forget to include a title (do not include a title page; use MLA headings). Sources– Include works cited page with your final research paper.
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You are to write an essay of 5 typed pages which identifies why the subject is important and discusses his/her life and work briefly. It should include quotes, and follow the essay form. (5 or more sources; thesis tells importance; discuss music you listened to.) For this assignment you will need to choose a musician/composer, research him/her, listen to the music of the individual, and put it all together in an essay. In terms of the music that you listen to, it is important to be familiar with several pieces/songs/albums of the subject. Try to listen to several points in their careers. The music you listen to and write about must be listed on your work cited page. You can quote from “liner notes”. I want you to place the piece/song in the context of the career of the subject and also write a paragraph that gives your own feelings about the music. In this section only can you use the “I” pronoun. On every assignment I will give you what the main idea should be– so in music it is why the composer or player is important.
Essay writing guidelines for comp II.
The following are guidelines you are to follow in the construction of these essays. Your ability to construct essays successfully will have a bearing on your grade. I will not only be looking at your ideas. In order for you to get a good grade in this class you will have to do the THREE FORMS successfully (essay, quote, work cited forms). You should construct your essays exactly as to the rules which follow.
Here are some errors that occur regularly….that I am hoping you will not make!
Do not plagiarize. If you copy and paste from the web the ‘originality report’ will tell me what you took and where it came from. If you do not notate/quote it correctly, you will receive an F for the paper. Please be aware of this.
How to use the web without getting an F? You can quote the passage correctly–see form below, or you can read the info, put it in your notes in your own words, then rewrite it–again in your own words. That way, the information will be in the paper but the words will be yours. You do not need to cite historical info, but if you take someone’s idea from a source, you need to cite it at the end of that section. But again, if you use their words without quotes, you are plagiarizing…..which is unacceptable. To quote a passage successfully from the web, see the Quote section below.
Please do your works cited page as instructed below. It may be different than what you find elsewhere, especially on websites. The only correct way to do the works cited, as far as this course is concerned, is stated below.
Read the assignment pages carefully….if you pick something not on the lists there, you need to clear it with me. (On the history paper you need to narrow the topic as much as possible. ‘The civil war’ as a topic is too broad and is unacceptable. A battle from that war is ok. Get the idea?) (On some papers–art/music–you will write biographical paragraphs. All body paragraphs must begin with a topic sentence–a sentence that identifies the point of the paragraph clearly and links back to the thesis. You can do this on bio paragraphs by included the overall subject, such as music or art…..that will create a link to thesis. So for instance: Pablo Picasso was born in Spain. …is not a good topic sentence. But—Pable Picasso was born in Spain and from the beginning was surrounded by art that would later influence him. ….is a good one. See the difference?
Always begin your paper with an interesting title—it may contain the subject, but it needs to be more—-do not use Film Paper as a title!
Introduction: This is the first paragraph of your essay. It is best to begin your essay with a sentence (or sentences) that get the interest of the reader without identifying clearly the subject you are writing on. This section is called the “Hook.” After you get the reader’s interest then identify the subject and give some general information about it. This should be about three or more sentences in length. Finally, the last sentence of this paragraph should be your thesis. The thesis is important because it spells out the main idea of your essay. All the body paragraphs which follow hinge on this sentence because those paragraphs will attempt to prove the thesis. The first paragraph, like all following paragraphs, is usually five or more sentences long.
Body Paragraphs: The body of the essay is made up of paragraphs which represent proofs which convince the reader that the thesis is correct. The first sentence of each body paragraph should spell out clearly the point that is to be covered in the paragraph (this point, in turn, should help prove the thesis). This sentence is called the Topic Sentence. (Note: Even biographical paragraphs need to begin with a topic sentence. To do this, add the overall concept word–such as music or art–into the first sentence of the paragraph discussing the bio material–such as, Johnny Cash was born in Arkansas and from the beginning was surrounded by music that would influence his biggest hits.) After clearly identifying the point, the rest of the paragraph goes into detail proving and illustrating the point. (Here is where your quotes will be placed.) THESE PAPERS ARE NOT PLOT SUMMARIES. DO NOT SIMPLY RETELL WHAT HAPPENS IN THE FILM, NOVEL etc.. Use the plot to illustrate your ideas. At the end of the body paragraph (you will have several of these each covering points you want to make), you should round off the point and give the reader a feeling that this point is complete and another is to follow. You will then be ready to begin the next body paragraph.
Note: When you are writing on a famous person, do not just use their first name…unless you know him/her personally!
Conclusion: The last paragraph of your essay is the conclusion. No new information will be found in this paragraph. (Note: If you are discussing an individual and want to cover his/her death, do not do so in the conclusion. Cover that information in the body section.) The first sentence should restate the thesis/main idea. The next part will review the main points that you have made in the paper. The last section should leave the reader with an interesting thought, question, quote etc.
IMPORTANT SENTENCES: last of intro, first of body paragraphs, first of conclusion
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