Civil rights in the 1960s and 1970s from reading Unit 8, why was there a counterculture movement and a push for civil rights in 1960s and 1970s?
Civil rights in the 1960s and 1970s
How effective was the civil rights movement? Is there anything left to work on in the present?
Additionally, whatever sources you refer to in your main post, need to be cited in an MLA format. If you have questions about MLA, please see the Purdue Owl. You must use parenthetical, in-text citations to reference materials that are not your own analysis. If you have questions about that let me know.
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The Myth of the Clash of Civilizations Essay Paper Find an article on the syllabus and critically engage with it.
The Myth of the Clash of Civilizations Essay Paper
This means a) correctly summarizing the author’s argument(s) and b) explaining why you (dis)agree. This is an exercise that will prepare you for the essay and the final exam, as you will be expected to critically engage with relevant research and argue your own point of view. On January 3, 1992, a meeting of Russian and American scholars took place in the auditorium of a government building in Moscow. Two weeks earlier the Soviet Union had ceased to exist and the Russian Federation had become an independent country.
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Imperialism Advantages and Disadvantages Imperialism was a controversial topic in European history.
Its advantages and disadvantages were greatly contested in late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Your task in this assignment is to understand and evaluate the arguments used both for and against European imperialism. Keep in mind the period, 1890-1914.
Imperialism Advantages and Disadvantages Assignment
Paragraph 1 – 10 Points
In 400 words, summarize the arguments that Paul Beaulieu and Friedrich Fabri use to support imperialism. Put the ideas into your own words. Don’t copy sentences! Also, you must make direct reference to ideas present in the two documents. Don’t use outside sources.
Paragraph 2 ñ 10 Points
In 400 words, summarize the arguments that Anatole France and Wilfrid Blunt use to argue against imperialism. Put the ideas into your own words. Don’t copy sentences! Also, you must make direct reference to ideas present in the two documents. Don’t use outside sources.
Paragraph 3 ñ 10 Points
Imperialism Advantages and Disadvantages
In 200 words, express your own personal opinion about European imperialism. Considering the documents you just read, do you think imperialism was good or bad for the countries and peoples of Europe? There is no wrong answer here, but you should use specific arguments to support your opinion.
Proper Paragraph Form, Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation ñ 10 Points
Typed, double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins
Take the time to write proper sentences and paragraphs. Edit your work.
Course name, your name and student number on top right-hand corner of the first page.
Stapled (no need for binders or cover pages)
The final document should be about 3-4 pages and about 1000 words. It needs to be printed (double-sided printing is ok) and given to me directly. No electronic copies of the assignment will be accepted.
Imperialism Advantages and Disadvantages
40 Points in total. Will be scaled to 20% of the final grade.
Colonialism and Modern Peoples (1891)
Paul Beaulieu
Beaulieu was a French economist who published works on a series of topics, including workers’ rights, women’s work in the 19th century and the nature of the modern state.
He first published De la colonization chez less people’s moderns in 1874; the following passage comes from the fourth edition of the work in 1891.
It is impossible not to consider imperialism as one of the tasks imposed on the civilized states for the last four centuries, more particularly in our own age.
Imperialism Advantages and Disadvantages
The present-day world is composed of four different parts in terms of types of civilization. That of Western civilization our own part. A second part [is] inhabited by people of a different civilization, but organized in compact, coherent and stable societies and destined by their history and present character to govern them the Chinese and Japanese peoples for example.
In the third part live peoples advanced enough in some respects, but ones that either stagnated or had not been able to constitute themselves as unified, peaceful, progressive nations, following a regular development…. India … before the British conquest, Java, and the Indochinese peninsula represent particularly this third type…
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Applied Knowledge of Civil Rights and Ramifications After completing this course, students should be able to make connections and analyze problems related to current events using knowledge of the historical context of diversity issues advocate within
Applied Knowledge of Civil Rights and Ramifications
interpersonal relationships, communities, and organizations, utilizing tools of diversity consciousness and applying knowledge of civil rights and the social ramifications of diversity
Applied Knowledge of Civil Rights and Ramifications
BEHS 220 students are required to submit a final project which is worth one-quarter of the final course grade. This project should reflect the student’s highest level of work.
The Personal Action Plan for Diversity Consciousness requires students to reflect on what they have learned about diversity understanding, awareness and skills through a practical exercise which culminates in a final 5 to 7 page paper promoting diversity at the individual, community, and even global level.
Because communication is a vital skill in promoting diversity awareness, this written project is expected to be thoughtful, well-organized, and well-written. Students may wish to consult with the Effective Writing Center and Information and Library Services for guidance.
Applied Knowledge of Civil Rights and Ramifications
The Personal Action Plan will consist of a written final product in which the following items are addressed:
PERSONAL GROWTH: 36 possible points
Reason(s) for taking the course? (4 points)
What are at least two ways in which my “diversity awareness” has been affected by taking this class? (8 points)
What are at least two ways in which my “diversity understanding” has been affected by taking this class? (8 points)
What are at least two ways in which my “diversity skills” have been affected by taking this class? (8 points)
What are at least two steps that I need to take to become a more diversity conscious individual? (8 points)
DIVERSITY BENEFITS: 12 possible points
What are at least three specific benefits that I will gain from valuing diversity? Support your response with evidence from your text and/or other materials (e.g. personal journals and Discussion posts, in-class presentations, external sources)
Applied Knowledge of Civil Rights and Ramifications
What is the role of communication in promoting diversity awareness? Provide in-text citations from your text and/or other external sources. Use APA format. (8 points)
What are at least two ways in which I will improve my communication skills to help others work more productively with me? (8 points)
DIVERSITY GOALS: 8 possible points
What are at least two of my most important diversity goals for the future?
DIVERSITY ACTIONS: 16 possible points
What are three specific ways I will achieve my diversity goals and contribute to creating an environment that values diversity? (Specify whether contributions will have a personal, community or global impact) (12 points)
What resources will I need to honor these commitments? (4 points)
Writing is clear, concise and comprehensible (4 points)
Errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, syntax, grammar, etc. are minimal and do not detract from the author’s meaning (4 points)
In-text citations and references are properly cited using APA style (for assistance with APA style, consult Information and
Library Services) (4 points)
Applied Knowledge of Civil Rights and Ramifications
Length: Your report will be 5-7 double spaced pages in length, not including the title page or reference page
Font: 12 point; Arial or Times New Roman
Margins: 1 inch on all sides
Pagination: Page numbers should be included on every page except the title page.
Title Page: Should include the title of your report and your name centered on the page.
References: Your last page should list all of the sources you have used in alphabetical order and in APA format.
Citations: Remember to cite any language, information or ideas that are not your own in order to avoid plagiarism. In–text citations and references should be in APA format.
Tone: This is a formal written assignment. Avoid using jargon, slang, contractions or colloquialisms.
Syntax: Grammar, spelling, capitalization and sentence construction are important. Always proofread your work!
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Building a Wall to Fix the Problems That Trump Issued Ineffectiveness of the Mexican wall
Trump is presidency has been advocating various changes that would return America to its former greater heights.
Building a Wall to Fix the Problems That Trump Issued
As part of his plans, the President advocated the creation of a large wall across the Mexican border that would impede the entry of illegal immigrants in the country. Based on his perception, citizens that exist in America illegally are behind heinous crimes and the distribution of drugs. The government even faced a major shutdown in an effort to push the Congress to provide funds for the wall project. President Trump is Mexican border wall idea started during his campaign period, whereby he used the agenda as his ascendency to become the country is leader. According to him, immigrants are the causers of most of the serious legal issues and their entry through borders can be stopped through a large barrier made of steel. He used nations like Sweden as an example of how external entrants because crime waves that affect the lives of legal nationals. The wall also wants to be built because Trump believes that immigrants are the highest bringers of illegal drugs and a barrier would result in a massive change. Furthermore, the wall is an inexpensive option towards the dealing of immigration issues in the country. However, his proposals are misconstrue and are not as effective as perceived. President Trump is wall will not be a solution to his problems as his information is not only inaccurate but would create tensions and will not offer a permanent solution.
Building a Wall to Fix the Problems That Trump Issued
Trump believes the wall would harbor the entrants of immigrants that cause a lot of trouble within the nation. Based on his statements, the President believed that nations such as Sweden are facing lots of problems because of the existence of illegal immigrants. For example, he stated that the crime wave in Sweden is caused by Muslim immigrants that are creating crime waves which he wants to inhibit from happening in America (Beauchamp 2017). However, his use of the situation in Sweden as the motivation behind the wall lacks any sufficient evidence. According to Beauchamp, the claims that rape has increased in the country as a result of Muslim nationals is incorrect. The rate of sexual assaults has stayed constant in the country over the years. By 2014, Sweden had a murder rate of eighty seven cases annually in a region that has approximately ten million citizens. The statistics that he uses are therefore incorrect and have no solid evidence. The problems that he says exist in Sweden and can be stopped from happening in America are non-existent which shows that the wall will not be causing any changes.
Building a Wall to Fix the Problems That Trump Issued
Furthermore, Trump believes that the wall will stop those that enter across the border illegally since they are the most responsible for the entrance of drugs in the country. Fighting the drug war has been a common theme in America for decades. Officials have been trying to combat the problem and the president believes that the wall would stop traffickers from entering. The immigrants use the border as a quick and easy avenue for entering into the country. However, statistics show that Trump is solution is not only misguided but would not have much of an impact in the war against drugs. Majority of the content is passed through official checkpoints that are properly guarded by security (Campoy 2017). People who distribute the destructive content do not use unsuspected border entries as the president expected. Border patrol agents let them pass through showing where the security problem lies. Campoy also explains that some of the drugs are delivered into the country through the use of commercial planes that undergo scrutiny of American officials. Some people even masquerade illegal drugs as food cans reducing the possibility of suspicion from securities. The problem does not seem to be illegal immigrants but inspection by American security. It seems that creating a wall would hardly have any impact on the war against drugs which makes it an irrelevant solution.
Building a Wall to Fix the Problems That Trump Issued
The president perceives that the barrier would stop the immigration problem at cheap costs. Trump stated that his strategy would not only be an inexpensive option but the funding would be paid by the Mexican government. The project would cost in its entirety around $20 billion and a starting amount of $5 billion would suffice (Benen 2018). However, reports show that the expenses are much higher than they are stated to be. In its entirety, the government would require $59.8 billion to construct the barrier (Nowrasteh 2019). The figures are more than ten-times the amount proposed by the president. The reason is because the wall will not be made of concrete but from steel. The material would require a large expenditure which could be difficult to fund. Nowrasteh explains that the project could even cost much higher due to cost overruns. Also, the wall would require consistent maintenance to uphold its quality which would also surge the expenses. Trumpís solution seems ineffective as it is not as inexpensive as proposed. The project will not be successfully completed because the funds are not available…
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Supremacy Clause Secures Federal Rights The Supremacy Clause secures federal rights, created elsewhere, by giving them priority whenever they come in conflict with state law.
Supremacy Clause Secures Federal Rights
Here are a few recent cases you might consider (but please feel free to find your own as well):
Research: You are to find/analyze a recent case where a state law was in conflict an individual’s federal rights and the court decided the case in part or entirely on the Supremacy Clause.
Share: Provide a summary of the details of the case for your classmates.
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Primary Civilizations in Afro Eurasia 1) There were four “Primary Civilizations” in Afro-Eurasia: Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley Civilization, and Ancient China.
Primary Civilizations in Afro Eurasia
Choose two of them and compare and contrast them in terms of politics, culture, and religion. When farmers began to grow crops on the irrigated floodplain of Mesopotamia in Southwest Asia, they had no consciousness that they were embarking on a radically new experiment in human organization. The nearly rainless but abundantly watered valley of the lower Tigris and Euphrates rivers was an environment capable of supporting far larger concentrations of population and much greater cultural complexity than could the hill country where agriculture first emerged.
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You will write a short 2-3 page reflection paper about your experience playing and thoughts about the game (Please use APA style as you use for your inquiries). We will discuss your notes and reflections in class.Be prepared to discuss your choices, the thought process behind them, and other reflections.
Please remember to define terms, provide in-text citations and reference other class material if appropriate. Include a reference page that will not count toward the 2-3 pages. No title page is necessary for this paper 35
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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Difference between Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Explain the difference between civil liberties and civil rights. What types of current political issues related to civil liberties?
In your own words, describe the protections contained in the 9th and 10th Amendments. Explain how the protections in these amendments differ from Amendments 1–8.
Analyze the language of the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. Explain how this clause affected the relationship between the Bill of Rights responsibilities required of the federal government and Bill of Rights responsibilities required of the state governments.
“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” – 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
In your own words, define the incorporation doctrine and the practice of selective incorporation. Explain how the significance of the Due Process Clause of the 14thAmendment as they relate to these concepts.
The fact that African Americans and women were denied the right to vote seems implausible today. But many groups are still restricted from voting. Create a list of these groups (for example, ex-felons, legal aliens, people under age 18), and discuss why these groups do not have the right to vote and whether they should. Include reference to efforts in 2018 to expand and protect voting rights. You can find news articles about these efforts.
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