Own Race Bias and Memory for Faces Reflection Paper The memory paper will test your ability to think, generate hypotheses, and, in general, apply psychological science.
The task will be to take a position in a current debate in memory science. You will then have to support your position by drawing on the data that are available on the topic.
The goal is to convince readers that the position you take is correct by presenting the relevant data on the topic. Writing that both positions are correct will automatically result in a deduction of points.
Own Race Bias and Memory for Faces Reflection Paper
Think of this as a “debate” in which your job is to argue one of the positions. This paper will require you to go beyond the textbook. You will need to refer to journal articles, book chapters, and if you must, websites. Each student must read journal articles for the paper.
At least three journal articles must be referenced. If you use websites, you are responsible for any misinformation you get from the website (the best websites to use are those of the researchers themselves). Your view in the reaction paper must be supported by psychological science (including neuroscience, social psychology, and neurobiology).
Your feelings and impressions are not relevant in this paper; rather it is scientific data that you must draw upon. You do not have to be balanced. Choose arguments that support your position, and refute arguments that may support the other position. You will be graded on your ability to do both.
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Narration Traveling to Spain or France and Swiss It is just a regular essay with 5 paragraphs not source needed because is something personal.., basically a personal experience as you see in the instructions.
I visited these countries and cities in 2016 France (Paris), Swiss (Geneva), and Spain (Barcelona). I went and visited my friends and family. So basically you can just try to narrate about it (“imagine”).
Start: At elegant Geneva’s Lake Léman waterfront. Head along the south shore, passing from Switzerland into France.
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Dream Board of Your Ideal Career Essay Paper Create a dream board of your ideal career and your life .do it with power points please do it in fancy way hehehe
Write in simple ideas in each slide below and add pics with each one. my dreams are:
Potential Solution for a Significant Issue at Local Level Identify a significant issue at the local or national level and proposing a potential solution. Define the need, make a claim, identify the intended effect, provide evidence, show how the effect addresses the need, and address feasibility.
The enormity of global warming can be daunting and dispiriting.
What can one person, or even one nation, do on their own to slow and reverse climate change? But just as ecologist Stephen Pacala and physicist Robert Socolow, both at Princeton University, came up with 15 so-called “wedges” for nations to utilize toward this goal—each of which is challenging but feasible and, in some combination, could reduce greenhouse gas emissions to safer levels—there are personal lifestyle changes that you can make too that, in some combination, can help reduce your carbon impact.
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Students and/or teachers can develop a series of questions and hotlink keywords to websites to locate the answers. After locating the answer, students can highlight, copy, and click Back to paste the answer in the scavenger hunt.
Creating an Online Scavenger Hunts Essay Paper
TASK:You need to create an online scavenger hunt using online sources.
The theme of your scavenger hunt is any aspect relating to Children’s Literature (a story (ies), an author, theme, etc.)
You must create 10 complete questions.
Answer key must be included with answers to questions and Internet URL where the answer can be found.
No more than three questions can come from the same online resource.
You must follow the format provided.
Scavenger hunts are great tools to teach Internet navigation skills and basic computer skills to students while introducing, reinforcing or as a follow-up to academic concepts. Students and/or teachers can develop a series of questions and hot link keywords to websites to locate the answers. After locating the answer, students can highlight, copy, and click Back to paste the answer in the scavenger hunt. TASK: You need to create an online scavenger hunt using online sources. The theme of your scavenger hunt is any aspect relating to Children’s Literature (a story (is), an author, theme, etc.) You must create 10 complete questions. Answer key must be included with answers to questions and Internet URL where the answer can be found. No more than three questions can come from the same online resource. You must follow the format provided.
Creating an Online Scavenger Hunts Essay Paper
Put a Catchy Title Here Scavenger Hunt
By (Your-Name-Here)
Instructions: Type a paragraph of instructions here. Include such things as what the hunt is about, why you want your students to do this hunt and instructions for completing the task. 1. Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Title of the Page to be visited
URL: http://
Type a question or an instruction here
Conclusion: If you want, include some closing comments here.
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In American society today, it is common to see young men who have forgotten the importance of proper attire. Many persons in younger generations no longer tuck in their shirt tails, wear belts, or wear neckties. Wearing a tie can transform how others perceive you. It also shows others that you care about your appearance. The following six simple steps can easily transform you into a respectable-looking young man by teaching you how to tie a necktie.
Dress to Impress and How to Tie a Necktie
There are many different ways to tie a tie: the traditional Shelby, the Half Windsor, and the Full Windsor, in addition to other less common styles. Each of these knots has its own style and can be suited for various occasions, but the Full Windsor is a classic knot that is the most identifiable (ìHow to Tie a Necktieî). It is best suited for occasions such as job interviews, weddings, funerals, business meetings, and church. This knot is universal and will transform you into a sharp, classic man.
Dress to Impress and How to Tie a Necktie
Before you can begin to tie the necktie, you need to make sure you have a tie that is suited for your physique. Ties come in various lengths and widths, and you should buy the tie proportionate to your body size. Taller men should opt for a standard length tie. While those who are shorter should go with a shorter version to avoid awkward lengths. Ties are also Doe 2 manufactured using different fabrics, which can impact the desired shape and appearance.
Dress to Impress and How to Tie a Necktie
Everyone is different, so choose a tie that is best suited for you and your desired appearance.
Once you have selected a necktie, you can practice tying a knot. Begin by flipping your collar up and wrapping the tie around your neck with the wide end on the right side and the narrow end on the left. The wide end should be lower than the narrow end (McKay and McKay).
Cross the wide end over the narrow end, and then bring the wide end up through the neck loop.
Proceed by bringing the wide end over to the right side of your body behind the narrow end and repeat the previous step. It should mirror the left side (McKay and McKay). Next, cross the wide end over the front of the tie and pull up through the neck loop. At this point, you should have the basis of the knot under the wide end. Gently create a hole between this front section and the rest of the knot to push the wide end through (McKay and McKay). To complete the knot, pull down on the wide end. If done properly, the knot will tighten.
Dress to Impress and How to Tie a Necktie
The Full Windsor should be worn close to the neck because it is a formal knot (ìHow to Tie a Necktieî). To position it between the collars, simply pull on the narrow end with your left hand while using your right hand to slide the above knot towards the neck. When resistance is felt, stop so that the tie is not uncomfortable. To finish the look, flip your collar over the sides of the tie so only the knot can be seen and tuck the narrow end through a small loop at the rear of the wide end.
Neckties are not necessary for everyday wear, but they are certainly an easy way to make a good first impression. If you are giving a presentation, attending a church service, or working as a businessman in corporate America, wearing a tie shows that you are a mature, respectable, and discriminating individual. Your overall appearance enhances your image amongst your peers and your superiors. A well-tied necktie leaves a lasting, meticulous impression.
Doe 3
Dress to Impress and How to Tie a Necktie Works Cited
“How to Tie a Necktie: The Windsor Knot.” Real Men Real Style. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2015.
McKay, Brent and Kate McKay. “How To Tie a Tie.” The Art of Manliness. The Art of Manliness, 5 June 2009. Web. 1 Nov. 2015.
Assignment: Process Analysis (How-To-Essay)
A Process Analysis Essay gives instructions on how to do something or describes how something was done. For this assignment, choose one of the topic options below or choose a 3-6 step process in which you possess a level of expertise. Note: If you prefer a topic option that is not listed below, please consult your instructor for approval. Once you have chosen your process, begin to list and organize the steps. Be sure to include all preparation and clean-up steps, as these steps are still a part of the process.
Start the essay with a reason or anecdote that illustrates why this process is important and worthy of an essay. The thesis statement for this paper is two-fold: state what the process is and list the number of steps involved in the process. The body should explain how to complete the process in chronological order. The conclusion should describe the end result and discuss the clean-up process. This essay should contain at least 600 words but no more than 700 words. Please do not exceed the word count requirement; quality control is vital for your success. This essay should be typewritten in MLA Format. It should also include at least one source (popular or scholarly), in-text citations, and a well-documented Works Cited page. Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and sentence structure.
Dress to Impress and How to Tie a Necktie Topic Options
How to train like an athlete
How to overcome an addiction
How to find a summer job
How to perform CPR
How to decorate on a budget
How to entertain guests inexpensively
How to choose a college major
How to overcome insomnia
How to mow the lawn
How to enjoy a weekend for under $20 in Greenwood
How to text on a mobile device
How to be a responsible pet owner
How to lose weight without going on a diet
How to take a selfie
How to look fashionable on a limited budget
How to use Snapchat
How to shoot the perfect free throw
How to bake or fry a turkey
How to succeed in a job interview
How to train a dog or pet to do a trick
How to survive an unexpected break up
How to perform a magic trick
How to plan a fun date for free
How to survive a natural disaster
How to change oil
How to change a flat tire
How to swim
How to hunt
How to clean a shot gun
How to save money
How to graduate from college
How to fish
How to drive a car
How to cook your favorite dish
How to study for a big test or conquer test anxiety
How to fight the fear of public speaking
How to play a musical instrument
How to toilet-train a baby
How to plan an affordable vacation
How to cornrow hair
How to grow plants
How to take care of your teeth
How to pack a suitcase
How to avoid catching a cold or flu
How to make ice-cream
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Write a menu-driven C++ program to manage a class roster of student names that can grow and shrink dynamically. It should work something like this (user input highlighted in blue):
Array size: 0, capacity: 2
A Add a student
D Delete a student
L List all students
Q Quit
…your choice: <strong>a[ENTER]</strong>
Enter the student name to add: <strong>Jonas-Gunnar Iversen[ENTER]
</strong>Array size: 1, capacity: 2
A Add a student
D Delete a student
L List all students
Q Quit
…your choice: <strong>a[ENTER]</strong>
Enter the student name to add: <strong>Marcela Nogueira[ENTER]
Array size: 2, capacity: 2
A Add a student
D Delete a student
L List all students
Q Quit
…your choice: <strong>l[ENTER]</strong>
Student Roster
Jonas-Gunnar Iversen
Marcela Nogueira
Array size: 2, capacity: 2
A Add a student
D Delete a student
L List all students
Q Quit
…your choice: <strong>d[ENTER]
</strong>Enter the student name to delete: <strong>Jonas-Gunnar Iversen[ENTER]</strong>
Array size: 1, capacity: 2
A Add a student
D Delete a student
L List all students
Q Quit
…your choice: <strong>q[ENTER]</strong>
Allow the menu options to be entered in either lower or upper case.
Implement all the actions in the above menu — add, delete and list.
Use a dynamic array of strings to store the roster, with an initial capacity of 2.
Double the array capacity when (a) you have a new student to add, and (b) size equals capacity. You do not need to shrink the array after deletes.
The output table should have a column heading as shown above.
Output the array size and capacity along with the output table.
Program to Manage a Class Roster of Student Names Hints
You don’t have to write functions for everything. You may just write code blocks in main, and if it makes sense for you to move any of them out of main and into functions (like a void function to count a table of names), do so.
Would the operations be best handled with a series of if/else statements, or a case/switch statement?
There are some built-in string functions that convert to upper and lower case.
What to Submit
Submit your .cpp file and a screenshot of one run of the program that includes at least an “add” of a name and one “list” operation.
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Instruction: Please be advised this assignment is about the 4th amendment.
You are required to give complete word-processed (preferably Times New Roman 12 size font) answers to all parts of each of the two questions posted. Remember to copy/paste your answer into the answer field and e-mail me a word-processed copy by the deadline indicated. Your answers should be as brief as is compatible with answering the entire question and should total approximately 4-6 single-spaced pages in Word. Please remember to read each scenario at least twice, spot the issues, and make an outline of what you will say before you start putting it into essay format. The most important things are to answer the questions posed and to give reasons for your conclusions as well as spotting as many relevant issues as possible. In answering each question, be sure to explain the answer in your own words and apply all relevant provisions of the Federal and State Statutes and all relevant parts of the cases and other materials read for class. If more facts than those provided are needed to answer a question, briefly describe the additional facts and show how they affect the answer.
Fourth Amendment Requirement Electronic Searches
This is not intended as a research paper, and you are not required to rely on any sources other than the cases and federal and state statutes read for class and class slides. Citations should be in the body of the paper, rather than in footnotes, and should consist of the name of the case in underlined format from which the brief quote comes (e.g. the United States v. Jeronimo-Bautista). Title pages and bibliographies are not needed, but please put your name, class section, semester and which exam this is on the first page and page numbers at the bottom of each page of your word-processed version. Please also put the correct number of the question next to the relevant answer.
Fourth Amendment Requirement Electronic Searches
Do not copy the questions/facts onto your answer sheet. You may briefly cite specific facts from the fact pattern where necessary to explain your answer. DO NOT copy entire statutes or sections unless absolutely necessary. Simply cite to the relevant section (e.g. 18 USC ß1030 (a)(5)(C) or Fourth Amendment) and explain in your own words why the specific section is relevant. DO try to have someone proofread the paper and/or go to the writing center. This is a graduate level course and I do not expect to have to decipher what you are trying to say in a midterm exam that you had two weeks to complete!
***Additional details from the professor
Everything you need to know has been provided to you in class, slides, and cases. Just because we did not study a case re kidnapping does not mean that you cannot use your common sense (as well as the fact that I used kidnapping as an example in class) to support your arguments for the first question!
2) Generally, use common sense and do not feel so constrained by the literal language of the cases and text. Be creative. That is the POINT of this exam. So long as your arguments make sense and are based on the law and correctly apply/cite to precedent, you can definitely use your common sense to extrapolate, hypothesize, etc. That is what I WANT you to do!
3) READ THE FACTS CAREFULLY! And at least a few times! They are NOT meant to trick you so don’t overthink each little thing, but do pay attention to the wording because it will affect your analysis.
During roua tine patrol, Officers Smart and Sharp receive notification that a 10-year-old girl has been kidnapped. The vehicle that was potentially used in the kidnapping is described as a 2014 silver Honda Civic 4-door sedan. The Officers notice a car matching the description parked in front of a 7-11. They wait for the operator to return to the vehicle and when he does, they ask him a few questions which raises their suspicion. Based on the officerís level of suspicion, they decide to detain the operator of the vehicle, Alek Kidman. Alek and the vehicle are then searched. The Officers do not find anything suspicious in the vehicle and on Alek himself. They ask him to unlock his iPhone which he refuses to do. They also ask if they can search his home which he also refuses. In the meantime, one of the officers dispatches another unit to go to Alekís home and see if they can search it. When the second unit arrives at Alekís home, an elderly gentleman opens the door and says that he is Alekís father. The Officers ask if they can search the home and Alekís computer and the father consents. The father shows the Officers where Alekís room is and where he keeps his electronic devices. Officers use a program similar to EnCase to search through the computer bypassing any security measures (such as a password) and discover hundreds if not thousands of images of Child Pornography (CP) depicting little girls in sexually suggestive positions. The Officers conducting the search immediately image the computer they searched and seize it by taking the copy with them. They also conduct a physical search of the home to see if there is any evidence of the missing child but find nothing. The officers do notice a couple of other laptops around the home, but since they are not in Alekís room, they decide not to touch them. They dispatch their findings to the unit holding Alek at which point the Officers arrest Alek and take him back to the precinct. Officer Sharp calls the district attorney who instructs the Officer to attempt to break into Alekís phone to see if they can trace his whereabouts throughout the day while she tries to get a warrant. The Officers bring the phone to the station where the forensic unit is able to trace all of the activity and Alekís location throughout the day. Based on this information, the Officers dispatch units to various locations and the little girl is found at one of the locations, locked in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. However, she has no recollection of what her kidnaper looked like and cannot identify Alek. Nevertheless, Alek is indicted on kidnapping and CP charges. Alek moves to suppress all evidence obtained from his home and his phone.
Based on what you learned in class, what are the relevant issues here and how would they be approached and resolved? Remember to explain arguments that both the defense and the government may present as well as any relevant defenses.
Based on everything the officers discovered on Alekís computer at his home, they obtain a warrant to search the copy (image) of the computer they obtained for evidence of CP and the warrant is issued. As the forensic investigators are searching through Alekís computer for evidence of CP, however, they find documents and communications indicating that Alek was involved in a child sex trafficking ring that the FBI has been trying to locate for years. The police officers immediately alert the FBI and the FBI takes over the investigation. The FBI obtains a warrant to search for and seize all electronic devices from Alekís home, including any cellular/smart phones and search those devices for any evidence of minor sex trafficking activities. The warrant is executed, and all electronic devices are seized from Alekís home and searched. Throughout the search it becomes evident that Alek was a very small fish in the operation. In fact, this was the first kidnapping he attempted to prove himself as a dedicated member so he can get more responsibilities. Additionally, most of the communications and information is written in code that no one other than Alek can understand. The FBI decide to strike a deal with Alek whereby if he cooperates and helps them bring in the actual leaders of the ring, he will get a more lenient sentence. Alek agrees and enters into an Agreement with the FBI that provides for him to be brought from his detention into the FBI offices and use his computer to decode the information in his messages and attempt to contact the ring leaders. During one such visit, Agent Sneaky notices that Alek writes down some letters as he is reading the encoded message on the screen. He then combines letters in a certain way that makes the message readable. Agent Sneaky continues to observe what Alek writes down based on whatís on the screen and eventually figures out how to decode the messages. The FBI are then able to go through all of the messages and decode them without Alekís help. The information leads the FBI to conclude that one of the main leaders of the operation is John Malvado. Since they are not 100 % positive, the FBI decides not to put out any information for the apprehension of Mr. Malvado but investigate his background in the meantime. One of the things they find is that Mr. Malvado is a convicted sexual offender although the charge is about 15 years old. Coincidentally, as Mr. Malvado is being investigated, he is entering the country from Mexico at the US/Mexico border in California. Mr. Malvado is traveling with his wife and 3 children…
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Huda Beauty Lip Strobes Creative Brief My assignment is to create a creative brief for Huda Beauty’s lip strobes, https://www.shophudabeauty.com/us/en_US/lip-strobes. Just fill in the questions in the template in details.
Client’s name
Proposed Tagline /Slogan Name of your Advertising Agency
[Class, Semester]
Table of Contents
Clients’ Information 1
Proposed Tagline /Slogan 1
Client / Client contact information: 1
Project name and description: 1
Prepared by: 1
Proposed Time Line: 1
Proposed Budget 1
Background / Overview: 2
What’s the big picture? 2
What’s going on in the market? 2
Anything happening on the client side that the creative team should know about? 2
Any opportunities or problems in the market? 2
Objective: 3
Effect the ad on consumers. 3
Proposed an action to reach customers 3
What ad should make the audience think, feel, or do. 3
Target audience: Whom are we talking to? 4
Campaign Focus: what’s the most important thing to say or show? 5
Reasons why: what are the most compelling reasons to believe, to try, to buy? 6
Timeline / Schedule: 7
A client services check list 8
Client’s name
Proposed Tagline /Slogan
Client / Client contact information:
Name, phone number and email address for the person or the team on the client side.
Project name and description:
Example: “O Earth: New brand / new product pitch for P&G.”
Prepared by:
Name, phone number and email address for the person or team members who are responsible for the brief.
Proposed Time Line:
When your ad will be on air
Proposed Budget
Background / Overview:
What’s the big picture?
What’s going on in the market?
Anything happening on the client side that the creative team should know about?
Any opportunities or problems in the market?
In this paragraph, you will introduce the project to the creative team. You’ll go over this again in the briefing session, but write it down as well.
Example: P&G, is launching a new line of household cleaning products under the brand name, “O Earth”. The marketing problem is the rapid rise of brands like Method that are capturing a younger market. Our business goal, therefore, is to create a product line that will appeal to this generation of new consumers.
What is the goal of the ad or campaign?
Effect the ad on consumers.
Proposed an action to reach customers
What ad should make the audience think, feel, or do.
Example: The primary objective is to persuade the audience to buy and use O Earth laundry detergent, as well as to create and characterize this new brand.
Target audience: Whom are we talking to?
The more precise and detailed the better. Go beyond age, location and sex to describe demographics and perhaps even psychographics.
How the audience currently thinks, in relation to the product category
How the audience currently see the competitors, as well as to the client’s brand, products or services.
Example: We are looking primarily at urban women, 18 – 34, with household incomes over 50K per year. But the most important fact about this audience is that it is evolving, with race and ethnicity reflecting the increasing diversity of the US population. The magic word is “multicultural.” We are not talking to white suburban housewives.
Campaign Focus: what’s the most important thing to say or show?
Here you want to identify the single most persuasive statement or compelling visual, you can present to achieve the objective. Keep it simple. Avoid generalities.
Example: O Earth liquid laundry detergent uses a new, plant-based chemistry that aggressively targets and removes dirt, stains, and grease – with zero harm to the environment.
Reasons why: what are the most compelling reasons to believe, to try, to buy?
The rational and emotional reasons for consumers to believe what you say, to try the product, to buy the service.
Include all major copy points and visual evidence listed in order of relative importance to the consumer.
Huda Beauty Lip Strobes Creative Brief Example
1) Dirt killer. New, scientifically advanced formula, aggressively targets and removes a wide variety of dirt, stains, and grease.
2) Earth lover. New plant-based chemistry breaks down completely and naturally in the environment leaving no harmful chemicals.
3) Dollar deal. Get a full size container of new O Earth liquid laundry detergent for $1. This limited time, introductory offer will be via coupon affixed to the package.
4) Money saver. Save hundreds of dollars long-term with convenient, bulk refill companion products.
5) Waste eliminator. Exclusive “Select & Pull” dispenser trigger delivers the perfect amount of liquid for the load size.
Timeline / Schedule:
What do we need from the creative team, and when do we need it?
Here you can provide details on media, sizes, client presentation requirements even production specs – all depending on the project.
Example: Our goal is the client presentation, scheduled in 10 weeks. At that presentation we want to show two or three full campaigns to the client. The first step is to create concept boards for 4 to 6 campaign ideas for internal review.
Each concept board must include 1) the brand idea, and 2) the promotional offer. Additionally, you must show how the creative concept can work on Facebook, TV / video, print (newspaper, magazines, direct mail) and a selection of 4 to 6 online ads with landing pages.
Date: mm/dd – Initial creative review. 6 to 8 concept boards, from which we will select 3 or 4 for refinement.
Date: mm/dd – Review revised concepts expressed in 1) TV / story boards, 2) print, 3) Facebook and 4) online ads. Review with full team: client services, strategic planning and senior management. Select creative approaches.
Date: mm/dd – Formal internal creative presentation with concepts shown in all major media. Digital or boards. Tweak as necessary.
Date: mm/dd – Begin formal rehearsals for client creative presentation. Creative should be in final presentation format, full size, digital and boards or handouts.
Date: mm/dd – Client presentation.
A client services check list
[ ] Do we have sufficient reference sources: previous ads, brochures, competitor ads, videos or websites?
[ ] Do we have contact info / links to people, research or resources that can help the creative team?
[ ] Do we need a supplement to the brief with information on media production requirement or perhaps a content outline for a website or brochure or video.
[ ] Is it clear from the client what must be in the communication, and what might be in the communication? What are the client requirements versus client preferences?
[ ] Do we represent the client’s issues, concerns, wishes?
Read through Chapter 7 (Moore) and the Stages of Change and Effective Coaching Talents (Prochaska, 1994). What do co-workers/clients typically exhibit at each stage? Which one of the stages is the hardest for people to address? Think of an area in your life that you know you need to change. Where are you, in relation to the Stages, and how do you plan to change? Virginia liked to work from the ground up – getting to the root of the problem by working at a thoughts and feelings level, not just focusing on changing behaviors.
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