Leadership Organizational Management Essay Paper Leadership is the ability of organizational management to establish visions and missions, laying out the operational procedures, incorporating work and skills with the aim of achieving some challenging goals.
Leadership Organizational Management Essay Paper
It entails an in-depth research to come up with defined goals in which the company has to reach through establishing an examinable vision, sharing the idea with colleagues so that they can estimate its worthiness.
provision of information and the methods to be built to ensure that such visions can be realized and how these procedures will be coordinated to avoid conflicts in member interests (Boyd Henning Reyna Wang Welch & Hoffman 2017).
Organizations implement the best management personnel as well as the best systems of management with the intention of taking swift to enable move a step to ensure that they outperform their competitors and inspire the improvement in the quality of goods and services.
Leadership Organizational Management Essay Paper
Therefore, leadership in an organization determines the direction at which the company is going to develop towards through assigning work duties to employees and by showing them how to effectively perform their responsibilities (Boyd Henning Reyna Wang Welch & Hoffman 2017). I
t’s the role of the management to ensure regular supervision of work to ensure that duties are performed correctly as required and that tasks are completed at the right time.
Employees tend to follow the behaviors of their supervisors and their managers and due to this, the leadership of any business organization should ensure that they set positive examples to their workers.
It’s also a responsibility of organizational leaders to motivate their workers and help them out in their daily corporate work activities.
Leadership Organizational Management Essay Paper and Leadership styles
To be a great effective leader is an essential part of running a successful business and one needs to develop skills and techniques in which the company will be run (Kim & Mauborgne 2017).
Most common and used leadership styles include transformational style where leaders work with the goal of transforming their teams with a target of constant improvement. They, therefore, achieve this by creating a future vision and sharing their ideas so that everyone can work towards the shared goal (Kim & Mauborgne 2017).
Democratic leadership is another style which ensures that all team members are incorporated in the decision-making process and their opinions are taken into consideration…
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Leadership Project Threshold Standards – Produce, to an acceptable standard, evaluation and analysis of aspects of particular leadership issues in an organization through the use of relevant leadership theory.
Leadership Project Threshold Standards
– Compare and contrast differing leadership styles and behaviors in an organization from differing cultural, geographic and historical perspectives.
– Produce, to an acceptable standard, an assessment of how varying leadership styles impact upon the organization and sector and systems
– Produce a critical evaluation of the impact of some leadership types upon followers.
– Reflect on some aspects of your leadership capability and needs for future personal and organizational development
Leadership Project Threshold Standards Task
You will produce a written report that critically assesses and evaluates your organisation and sector using organizational systems and structures theory (vMEME) and all the types of approaches and models of organizational strategy it contains.
Critically analyse particular leadership problems and challenges through critical evaluation and appropriate application of theory
Critically evaluate how certain types of leadership/management styles differ depending on history, culture, geographic life and conditions
Critically evaluate how certain types of leadership/management styles impact people performance, productivity
Critically evaluate how certain types of leadership/management styles determine who will follow and how.
Critically evaluate your personal leadership capabilities and critically analyze the need for future development
Through the application of Seven Leadership Mindsets Theory (vMEME) you will have a tool (and the skill) to critically assess and evaluate all types of organizational and sector theories worldviews that include USA, UK, China, European countries, India, Oman, GCC, African countries, etc. Leadership is different depending on the relevant mindset (life conditions, how humans individuals adapt to successfully compete and socio-cultural elements). Inevitably leadership mindset impacts everything in a company ñ strategy, people, performance, productivity, etc.
A suggested structure for the written report would include the following: This assignment can be divided into four equally weighted sections. These have been presented as four questions.
Having considered the theory, research, and science, characteristics of organizations identify and assess:
The seven structures and systems present in your organization
Analyze and describe how the present Leadership Value Systems and Structures in your organization impact on leadership, management, and staff.
Consider and analyze differences to your competitors (local or global)
Consider to what extent are these differences positive points of differentiation or negative traits of the organization
Now that you understand your organisation’s structure considers your organizations sector. Critically analyze:
How has your sector evolved?
In what way do they differ to your competitors (local or global?)
To what extent are these differences positive points of differentiation or negative traits of the organization?
Having examined change and transformation critically assess an analyse on how to ensure your organizations continued growth and success; organizations need to undertake transformation and growth.
Leadership Project Threshold Standards
What kinds of changes are taking place in your sector and what do you believe the most successful organizations are doing to embrace the changes required to deliver continued success?
To what extent is your organization at the forefront of this transformation (or maybe it is trailing some of the best organizations in the sector). Give examples of specific actions and leadership behaviors you are seeing to underpin your view.
Every organization faces challenges and problems, which can be driven by rapid growth or serious decline. Identify and critically assess:
The top two or three big issues your organization is facing
Key actions your organization needs to take to put it on a path of future sustainable success.
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Leadership in our professional lives and personal lives
We have all been under leadership in our professional lives and personal lives. Take the time to compare and contrast two leaders of your choice: one has to be a leader that was a fantastic role model and one needs to be one that was below horrible!!! What characteristics of a leader did they master, or what characteristics of a leader did they lack? Use your own research in leadership characteristics, the video by Simon Sinek and your readings posted here to help you.
An individual essay that explores leadership, management and team working in professional practice
1.Analyse the qualities and impact of a leader within health care settings.
2.Reflect on the influences that communication, change and conflict have on practice decisions and outcomes.
3.Promote a supportive and educative workplace culture by enlisting the support of team members and contributing to their professional development.
4.Analyse the role of the manager and the skills and qualities required to make effective decisions and meet health service quality and expectations.
Guidelines for this Assessment:
Using an identified model of reflection you will write an essay on leadership which demonstrates your learning from experience within the unit. You may use examples from your in class group work/or from experience in placement practice. These will fulfill the outcomes as above. Because you are using a reflective model you will need to put in a personal development plan (Action plan) as an appendix.
Frequently asked Questions (in no particular order)
Do I write a personal reflection?
No this is an academic essay and should be written in the third person. You will only use the reflective model as a guide to help you. The assignment is to be treated as a discussion paper and you will be analysing and evaluating the leadership and management issues as applied to the learning outcomes and practice witnessed.
This practice can be in class sessions or on placement areas. If you are writing about in class sessions look at how this might impact if these were seen in placements.
What about the dates on some references being old (over 10 years)?
There are a number of older references that come up in Leadership and Change is one of these. Lewinsí work is from the 1930s but it is classic text and used for good reasons. Belbin is a similar issue. What is important is to relate it to todayís workplace and perhaps link to the Leadership Academy or to the NHS initiatives.
Can I use international references (non-UK)?
Yes use references that are appropriate, relevant and identify their relevance for what you are saying. There are many papers that come from the US or from Australia and they have similar issues to face. Remember it is about leadership, management and team working so this can apply to any organisation, just apply it to the situation you use as an example.
How many references do I need ñ is it 1 per 100 words?
There is no hard rule. By limiting yourself to 1 per hundred words this may mean that you are not referencing statements made. You need to back up your comments and analysis with reference materials. Do read widely and apply this to your examples from practice. Remember if you write Research (Studies) show we want to know which! Reference them!
Conflict – what if there was no conflict?
Then don’t make one up – be analytical as to why there was no conflict. Look at the Tuckman (1965; 1977) stages of team development- yet another older reference ñ and link to where the team was in their stage of development. Or look at whether or not the management and leadership style was responsible for this. You may want to compare the styles from two different placements if there was one good and one not so good.
Personal Development Plan – what do I do with this?
Look at what you have concluded and think about which skills you may wish to enhance in the coming months/year. Look at the PAD and use 2 of the items that underpin the learning outcomes. Communication perhaps or personal and people development may be key. You can choose what you feel is most appropriate for you but remember to keep it as a SMART or GROW development.
General tips:
Write your introduction once you have finished writing your assignment to ensure you donít tie yourself down. If you do write it first make sure you have included everything identified here within your text. Be succinct in the introduction.
Do not tie yourself down before hand as it means you may miss something in the text. Choose a model (Gibbs model 1988)
Main body of text
Ensure you use complete sentences that actually make sense. Do not use redactions (don’t) and please ensure you are using UK spelling and grammar checkers. Check all references are spelled correctly in text and list and check the referencing guidance if you are unsure. Also make sure they are all present in the list.
Read widely and use it. Do not put in a bibliography Ö use the reference.
Check the flow and use complete sentences and paragraphs. Single sentences are not paragraphs. Look at the content Ö does it follow on? If you are changing the subject use a new paragraph.
Cut out and highlight the learning outcomes and keep checking that you are including them all.
Ensure you change all names and use full names rather than Sister X or Staff nurse A as this is more respectful.
In order to develop your essay, you need to consider the following:
Define and discuss how leadership & management influence healthcare practice. Demonstrate your knowledge & understanding of the impact of different styles within any given workplace.
Link leadership theory to specific examples witnessed or experienced in practice and suggest possible alternative actions that could have been taken. Remember to link your discussion to the NMC Code (2018), NHS Leadership Academy Model (2013) and relevant research.
Finally, and briefly, you need to identify areas for your own personal development in relation to leadership, management & teamwork. You need to include a personal development plan attached as Appendix 1 (a maximum of 2 development points are required).
When identifying your own areas for development and writing your personal development plan, it is recommended that you use the 1st person.
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Paper that focuses on one or more leadership themes or aspects that we have discussed in class and what it means to you
1. Have a title
2. Contain page numbering
3. Provide your definition of Leadership
4. Contain a detailed analysis of at least two sources (e.g. readings, films) that we have discussed in class and how they illuminate and/or explains the subject of your paper
5. Contain a detailed analysis of at least one source that we have NOT discussed in class and how it illuminates and/or explains the subject of your paper
6. Explain how the aspect(s) of leadership that you have decided to focus on is meaningful to you personally and why it is important in light of current events in the world
7. Provide a List of Sources used at the end of the paper
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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How to Become a Leader and What Others Did It Just describe what it takes to be a leader. How other leaders did it and that’s it. Leaders are hard to find—at any level of your organization.
What It Takes To Be a Leader and How Others Did It
Leaders exhibit a unique blend of charisma, vision and character traits that attract people to follow them. They exhibit the other nine characteristics around which this article series was developed as well. But, mostly, as they exhibit these leadership traits and characteristics, they become the person that other people want to follow—even choose to follow given the opportunity. Respected leaders know that they can’t just walk into a room and say, “Hey I’m the leader.
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Reasons for choosing to study at California Baptist University What does it mean to be a leader?
For starters, it’s much more than an extra word or two on your business card. It’s a commitment to make thoughtful decisions, handle adversity, understand and manage organizational challenges, collaborate with others and promote change – all for the greater good.
This master’s program can help you develop the skills you need to inspire and navigate positive change in your workplace and community.
Together with the ISIC Association and British Council IELTS, Studyportals offers you the chance to receive up to £10,000to expand your horizon and study abroad.
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Compare and Contrast Past Korean Leadership Korea has been essentially a unified nation-state throughout its history and that Korea’s divisions, past and present, are largely the result of Korea’s location between two great neighboring
Describe the similarities and differences in Kim Il Sung’s and Syngman Rhee’s attempts to unite their peoples toward the same essential goal: creating a unified, genuinely Korean society. Is today’s division then merely a reflection of great power politics and meddling by outside forces?
The essay must include at least 1 scholarly reference in addition to the Bible. You must also use pertinent examples from both before and after the 19th century to support your response
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Organizational political decision making process affecting leadership
Title Page
Chapter I. Executive Summary
This is where you present a short summary on the importance of your selected topic and a short summary of the results of your topic
Chapter II. Literature Review
This where you will summarize the information and data from your references
Chapter III. Analysis
This is where you provide your own analysis of your topic anchored in fact and reason
Chapter IV. Summary
Summarize the meaning of your analysis
Reference Page
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Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your ideas, analysis, and comments supported with application of course learning materials. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business.
For assistance with your assignment, please use INTD670 CTU Library Guide, Web resources, and all course materials.
Read the UWEAR and PALEDENIM scenario found here. You will first meet with the CEOs of each organization, Theresa Tramlin and Mike Miller, to help them understand their important leadership roles for the success of the merger.
After reviewing the course materials for this week, prepare your recommendations for them regarding their approaches to leading the merger.
The merger is a significant change for both organizations; there is growing anxiety and uncertainty among the employees of both organizations. The goal is to complete the merger in a way that maintains employee performance and allegiance to the merged organization.
Both CEOs were promoted from managerial positions, so one of your tasks is to help them understand how to distinguish the two roles.
Issues to address include, but are not limited to, the following:
•How will you explain the difference between managing and leading, to set the stage to help Theresa and Mike focus on leading?
•What leadership approaches will be effective in leading the merger? Include at least 3 approaches, and explain in what circumstances those approaches should be used and why.
•Consider the research findings by Kabacoff (1998) that, although men and women are perceived as equally effective in leading, women tend to focus more on production, attaining results, and people, while men tend to focus on strategic planning, organization vision, and business tasks. If this is the case in this situation for Theresa and Mike, what are the implications for their leadership during the merger?
•Reflect on your own experience as a leader, if not professionally, then in the community or family. With which leadership approaches are you most comfortable? What are the implications for you if you were one of the leaders in this scenario?
The materials found in the M.U.S.E., intellipath, and INTD670 CTU Library Guide will help you with this assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Kabacoff, R. I. (1998). Gender differences in organizational leadership. Portland, ME: Management Research Group. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/home
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