Genetic Screening and Editing Response Paper The first response paper focuses on genetic screening and editing and there is a NOVA video and a NY Times article to start you off.
Genetic Screening and Editing Response Paper
The NOVA video (Cracking Your Genetic Code) link is here:
View Videos/Web Links” and explore Mr. Halligan’s list of resources help parents protect children exposed to technology.
Videos Web Links Exploring Halligans List of Resources
You will need to develop a DETAILED list of 10 suggestions (from these resources) that you will use with your children/grandchildren/future children. ….….……………………………PLEASE PROVIDE SOURCE ON WHERE IDEAS COME FROM, THANK YOU !!!develop a detailed list of ten suggestions. Personal Empowerment Websites WomanSource Catalog & Review (under Women’s Politics & Activism). Links to the best women-powered sites on the web and online home of The WomanSource Catalog & Review. EcoNet‘s Frugal Living Resources@IGC (under Frugal Living: Ideas/Tools for Personal Change and Frugal Living: Ideas/Tools for Social Change).
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Unidentified Condition Throughout The Discussions in this course, we will be focusing on one single condition;
Unidentified Condition Throughout The Discussions
gradually unfolding week by week how this condition can grossly affect the entire human body and its systems.
Unidentified Condition Throughout The Discussions
The goal of the course discussions is primarily, to build upon the skill of differential diagnosis and secondary, to give a clear view as to how a single pathological process can possess the ability to affect an entire human organism.
Each week you will be presented with varying components of a new system being adversely affected by the unidentified condition.
Your task as a healthcare professional in training is to thoroughly research and envelop yourself within the process of differential diagnosis to arrive at a definitive diagnosis at the end of the course in Unit 8.
Unidentified Condition Throughout The Discussions
In phase one of the discussion, you will be tasked with presenting your researched information into a video or written presentation answering the questions below, while also considering your response and symptom presentation from Units 1, 2, 3,
4 and 5.
Video presentations should be a minimum of three minutes in length and should not exceed four minutes. Written presentations should be a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs per each diagnosed condition (3 conditions minimum).
Unidentified Condition Throughout The Discussions Symptom Presentation
Neurogenic Inflammation: Increased production of Substance P and increased transmission of nociceptive impulses in the peripheral nervous system
Previously, you researched and considered three conditions through the process of differential diagnosis that would present with varying abnormalities in homeostasis, metabolism, triglycerides, and DNA in Unit 1. Abnormalities in oxidation, plasma and tissue enzyme activity, inflammation and alopecia respectively in Unit 2.
Increased cortisol and demonstrated bone loss in Unit 3. Fibromyalgia and muscle atrophy in Unit 4 and increased glutamate and memory loss in Unit 5. Given the new symptom presentation above, consider and answer the following questions within a video or written presentation:
If choosing a video presentation, spend a minimum of one minute on each of the three questions below. If choosing a written presentation, create 2-3 paragraphs per each of the questions listed below.
What is Substance P and why would it cause an increased transmission of nociceptive impulses within the peripheral nervous system? Explain this process as well as define nociceptive.
Could the above rationalization be a contributing factor or main cause of the previously mentioned symptoms of fibromyalgia?
Explain your answer.
Can you identify any connections between symptoms (Units 1 – 6)? Rationalize and explain your answer.
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The Tale of Two North Dakota Video The two videos above are about 3 years apart. The first one was produced in 2012; the second one was produced at the end of 2015. After watching this video, what do you think are the downsides if the economy relies too heavily on one or few commodities?
The Tale of Two North Dakota Video
Do you see any similarities between the North Dakota and Houston economies? Do you know anyone who is currently being affected by this downturn in the oil market? What are some of the potential solutions that can alleviate this problem right now?
Personally, I brought a Prius in 2013. At the time, gas was about $3.00 per gallon. So I thought I can save a lot of money with my long commute. Then by 2015 gas become really cheap. It was as low as $1.50 per gallon. So I couldn’t save that much money anymore, and I was stuck with a very slow Prius. So I sold the Prius and brought a very immature Subaru WRX. I feel much younger now.
Watch the videos below:
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Coach Carter Movie Review by Lasa Baxter Coach Carter depicts the story of a basketball coach’s mission to remake a struggling high school athletic team at Richmond High, where many conflicts exist including lack of discipline, acts of aggression, physical assault, family dysfunction, lack of cohesion, use of inappropriate language, lack of adherence to rules, poor academic success, and yet the players possess a dynamic love for the game.
Coach Carter Movie Review by Lasa Baxter
This becomes a driving force in Carter’s attempt to encourage and teach the Richmond basketball team value, hard work, discipline, courage, how to overcome adversity and find something pure and empowering in becoming a successful athlete, student, and team with a mission (goals).
Coach Carter Movie Review by Lasa Baxter
The movie is based on the true story of Coach Ken Carter, a top basketball player who returned to his local high school to coach this dysfunctional team. Carter is a self-made businessman who lives by moral absolutes.
He comes from the middle-class of a poor California city, has made money, has a son that is talented both in academics and basketball and who ultimately demands to play for his father at Richmond rather than St. Francis, a top school in the area in which he was accepted.
Carter’s strategies to develop mental skills include, demanding and owning respect until it is abused. For example, use of terms such as “Sir” rather than derogatory means of addressing others.
He requires his players to sign a contract that outlines program rules and expectations that must be adhered to in order to participate in his basketball program. The contract then becomes a binding force that can be utilized to teach the athletes what it means to keep their word, being trustworthy and disciplined.
I too use a contract that provides written expectations for my athletes. I believe this is a sound method that assists players in knowing what is expected of them in order to have the privilege of playing volleyball in my program. It also functions as a tool for parents to assist their children in meeting set goals and expectations. Carter required the athletes to dress and behave as if they are winners.
This helped him to create an environment that fostered success. From my experience players that are confident in their appearance and who behave like winners are more likely to become just that. In addition, these acts draw the attention of others, which provides an environment where there is accountability for one’s actions.
Carter has very high expectations for his team which allows them much room for improvement and the ability to reach for something bigger than what they had previously known.
He teaches discipline by strictly adhering to rules outlined, using physical conditioning, and teaching that winning is not enough. I support all of the aforementioned methods for developing positive mental skills in athletes.
Coach Carter Movie Review by Lasa Baxter
Some methods Carter used to develop mental skills though may have been inappropriate. He chose to punish all players for the actions of one. In another instance a player who had broken many rules and who had been excused from the team for being violent and disrespectful begged to come back.
Carter made an allowance for the player to come back providing he met a conditioning requirement that was impossible to attain. He told the player to give up and to leave because the task was impossible to achieve. Although his methods seemed to work in achieving intended goals in the movie, they just as easily could have worked in reverse.
These methods often discourage and deflate athletes. Often athletes don’t rise to the challenge. Instead, athletes are left with confirmation that their feelings of self-doubt and lack of ability are accurate.
This kind of discouragement can lead to lack of confidence, negative self-talk, and refusal to participate because an athlete fears trying when they believe they will be unable to achieve.
During a gym lock-out from practices and games that Carter initiated due to players lack of adherence to academic rules, the school board votes to overturn his actions and open the gym. As a result, Carter chooses to leave his position.
Rather than this happening his players rally behind his decision to stick to the plan he started. As a result, Carter stays and the gym remains closed until the entire team meets his academic eligibility requirements.
He believes that asking anything less of his team will send them the message that what he believes so strongly in is false and that athletics are more important than academics.
Coach Carter Movie Review by Lasa Baxter
Ultimately, Richmond makes it through an undefeated season with the exception of the games they forfeited during the lock-out. The team champions through the playoffs and receives and invite to play for the state championship where they play the number one team St. Francis.
Richmond loses their final game at the buzzer but gains enormous success in building team cohesion, camaraderie, spirit, and love for each other, self-respect, and academic achievement.
Coach Carter Movie Review by Lasa Baxter
Carter’s methods in team building and developing mental strategies by using team cohesion are supported in the text by Weinberg and Gould. Team cohesion works because it motivates those who have a desire for interpersonal interactions with others. In addition, there are benefits that each member of the group (team) can derive from association with the group.
Working together to achieve common goals is motivating and rewarding and often results in feelings of success. Cohesive teams are more likely to conform to expectations and adhere to rules because there is accountability amongst team members.
Coach Carter Movie Review by Lasa Baxter
Ultimately, team cohesion leads to success which leads to feelings of satisfaction. The greater the satisfaction the more likely performance is enhanced.
These actions form a reciprocal relationship that suggests Carter’s methods have a strong foundation for success.
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Court Indian Drama Movie by Chaitanya Tamhane Court Indian drama movie directed by Chaitanya Tamhane provides means to represent issues that are critical in understanding a society at a given point in time. It is powerful because it is representations of deep human emotions, painful choices and unmet desires.
Court Indian Drama Movie by Chaitanya Tamhane
Using Court film, explain why a specific social or personal circumstance depicted in the film was especially meaningful to you in understanding other people’s everyday reality. Particularly, did these images help you reflect upon your own assumptions about the way you yourself understand the world?
Be careful the paper is not about cinema or films; it is about development, globalization, and the way neoliberal policies impact people life.
Use only provided sources and the film. Court movie is accessible in YouTube.
While using sources, put it in quotations and cite properly: (Authors last name, page number).
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San Juan Puerto Rico Humberto Vidal Explosion What did the first gas technician mistakenly attributed the gas smell to be caused by?
San Juan Puerto Rico Humberto Vidal Explosion
What did the second gas technician mistakenly attributed the gas smell to be caused by?
How many days did it take for the gas to get into the basement of the building?
The NSTB investigators found the rainbow beam, this helps them determine that the explosion was likely caused by a leak of what gas?
What mistakes did the two sets of Gas Technicians make that caused them not to find the leaking Gas?
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Motorcycle diaries and Netflix movie Triple Frontier Comparing the anagnorisis through travel in the film Motorcycle diaries and Netflix movie Triple Frontier
Motorcycle diaries and Netflix movie Triple Frontier
– Give several points in both movies where anagnorisis occurred through traveling
– 2 academic sources are required. Please use appropriate sources and paraphrase or quote (Best place to find it is through
At this stage, given their ever-increasing prolificacy, the very definition of what a Netflix original movie is has become a bit foggy.
Unlike a smaller independent, whose library of titles might share surface-level similarities, the streaming giant has morphed into a bigger studio, churning out films across all genres, trying to do it all and sometimes, just sometimes, actually succeeding.
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