We need two primary sources and at least 4 secondary sources. A secondary source is an authoritative book or article written about a piece of literature.
Slavery in the poetry of Phyllis Wheatley
Secondary sources do not include encyclopedias, study guides (e.g., Cliff’s Notes, Sparks Notes, etc.), personal Web sites, chat rooms, any supplemental essays included in your textbook, etc.
– Do not rely extensively on lengthy quotations from the secondary sources. Instead, summarize and paraphrase; quote primarily for emphasis or to establish the validity of your presentation of the source’s ideas.
– Direct quotations from any of your sources should be no longer than five lines (your lines) long..
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8) A statement explaining why you chose the specific type and subject
9) Use MLA format
** On the first page write the poem and on the second page write in narrative form. Narrative poems – which simply mean “story poems” – are among the oldest forms of literature. Before there were printed books, people would tell stories through narrative poems, using rhythm, rhyme, repetition and vivid language to make their tales easy to remember and share. Many narrative poems are long, especially older ones like The Iliad and The Odyssey by the famous Greek poet Homer.
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Yeats The Second Coming Poetry of World War I Read Yeats’ The Second Coming (p.2106)
Yeats The Second Coming Poetry of World War I
Owen’s “Dulce et Decorum Est” http://www.warpoetry.co.uk/owen1.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site and “Anthem for Doomed Youth” http://www.warpoetry.co.uk/owen2.html (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.
Brooke’s “Peace” http://www.warpoetry.co.uk/brooke3.html (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.
The essay should analyze poetry by one author included in The Norton Introduction to Literature. Pay attention to how the poems’ meaning and effect are shaped by some aspect or aspects of their form. You can also choose to observe how the poem’s effect and meaning are shaped by the very fact that it takes a particular form. Choose from one of the following options:
2. Choose one poem in this anthology in which a single word seems crucial to that poem’s total effect and theme. Write an essay in which you work out carefully why and how that’s the case.
My poetry that I’ve chosen is Richard Cory
Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.
And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
“Good-morning,” and he glittered when he walked.
And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.
So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.
My discussion about this poetry:
Richard Cory lived an unhappy life although from the outside everybody admired him
The reader assumes that happiness is based on how a person looks well groomed and how well he speaks, calmness and looked fine in all aspect a
Length: 3-4 pages long with a Works Cited page. The usual specifications apply – Times New Roman, one-inch margins, stapled and MLA format.
Remember that the same rules for thesis-writing apply to a paper about a poem. You should not begin the paper with generalities about poetry, this poem, or the poet but with a specific thesis statement detailing what you will argue about the poems and how you will make and prove your argument.
Be careful not to simply go through the poem and paraphrase what the poem, in your opinion, means. This approach is useful for an early draft, but as you revise, you will structure your paper to develop the thesis instead. It is important that you explain your interpretation of the poem, but this interpretation should always relate back to and develop your thesis. Please come to see me after class, or email me with any questions about this assignment.
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Written Assignment: Oedipus
You will write an account of the hero, or heroes, in question. Begin with a brief description of the character’s, or characters’, parents. Next, provide an account of their childhood up to adolescence. Afterwards, you must describe the major mythological events – what heroic adventures did they have? What were the sources of conflict in their lives? Proceed from here, describing the major events of the character’s, or characters’, lives, up to their death(s). Note that you absolutely must provide evidence from the texts: you must show not only that you have understood the narrative, but that you have drawn it properly from what was written. This means giving specific, quoted citations as evidence for an event. Note also that genealogy does not require citation, in this assignment. You are required to use only the following primary sources: Oedipus Rex, and Oedipus at Colonus, both by the Athenian tragedian Sophocles.
In the second part of the assignment, you will be required to write a brief comparison of how this myth relates to myth of Hercules or Theseus. What events, or details, are shared between these heroes, or the gods, in the other stories? There are always parallels and similarities; cite passages to show where they are, and how they occur.
Please be advised that “Oedipus Tyrannos”, “Oedipus Rex”, and “Oedipus the King” are all simply variant titles for the same play. If your chosen text displays a different title, but still deals with the exile of Oedipus and the death of Jocasta, you are reading the right work
Note that, for this assignment, you need only include the editions of the Oedipus plays, or the Thebaid, in your bibliography at the end. Place quotations from the primary sources in footnotes.
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Overview: Explication derives from the verb explicate which means unfolding or making the implicit more explicit. When you explicate a poem, you scrutinize it, carefully examining its parts by interpreting lines, words, and phrases as they relate to the themes and meaning of the poem.
Assignment: In this assignment, you will choose one or two poems and, going line by line, examine how different elements of poetic analysis (e.g. tone, form, persona, imagery, symbolism, theme, rhyme, rhythm, diction) work together to offer your readers a way of understanding the poem that they would find convincing. In your analysis, you are encouraged to explore diverse and varied avenues of interpretation. Remember, however, that your analysis must be grounded in the poem: thus, you must support your thesis by quoting selectively from the poem about which you are writing.
Please do the following:
Organize the essay around a question you’re trying to answer about the poem and its possible meanings
Use your question as a guide for reading the text selectively
As you shape your answer to the question, rely mostly on lines from the poem(s) to support your analysis, supplementing your analysis with scholarly sources
Use terms of poetic analysis when appropriate
Incorporate at least one but no more than two scholarly sources
Purpose: To produce an interesting and detailed analysis of one or two poems( Rite of passage by Sharon Olds & Deliberate by Amy Uyematsu) . Pose an interesting, problematic, or significant question about your chosen poem and use textual evidence and your scholarly (secondary) source(s) to support it.
Audience: Although your targeted audience is your instructor and peers, who have read the work you are writing about, you should still provide some context for your interpretation somewhere in the introduction of your essay. Context includes a brief paragraph (one paragraph maximum) of summary and possibly a discussion of what other literary critics have said about the work
Develop a clear, focused thesis that explicitly indicates your proposed interpretation of the work.
Provide an engaging introductory paragraph that includes the author’s name (authors’ names), year the poem was originally published, title(s) of the poem(s), and the essay’s thesis.
Use substantial textual evidence (quotes from poem) and 1-2 secondary scholarly sources; no popular sources (including Wikipedia) may be used.
Always be sure to unpack your quotations. All quotes and passages used as support must be adequately developed and explained.
When it comes to a personal interpretation of poetry, you are the authority; however, phrases that begin with I believe and I think detract from your authority and familiarity with the text and make your interpretation look like simple personal opinion rather than informed, supported analysis.
Use properly formatted MLA in-text citations throughout
Avoid cliches and generalities
A work cited page must accompany the essay
Research: In addition to the primary text (i.e. the poem or poems you analyze), you must also use at least one, but no more than two scholarly sources in your essay. Your works cited page must list all of your sources, including the primary text(s).
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Thesis clearly states the point you plan to make about the poem (What is its theme, and which devices do you believe prove this?)
The introduction includes the authorís name and poemís title
Is presented in formal essay style (avoids the use of ìI,î ìme,î etc., and contractions)
Identifies the type of poem (narrative, didactic, etc.), and summarizes its literal meaning (do this in the introduction!)
Discusses at least 3 major devices for literary analysis (lyric devices, tone, mood, imagery/sensory details, symbolism, irony, allusion, personification, simile, metaphor, etc.)
Concludes by clearly stating what the author means to convey through the poem, and how the various elements you discussed combined to make this meaning clear.
Quotes directly from the poem to make points, using proper punctuation (quotation marks, specific line numbers, parenthesis, etc.)
Compare a Dolls House and the Road Not Taken Write a compare and contrast essay on the poem (the road not taken by Robert Frost) and the play (a doll’s house by Henrik Ibsen).
Compare a Dolls House and the Road Not Taken
(Compare the themes)
The poem the Road not taken written by Robert Frost is about a man picking between two roads which one he should go down the play A Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen is about Nora having to make a decision about leaving her kids behind or staying.
Poem: (road not taken by Robert Frost)
Really hard decision
road was the least taken
How would taking the road change his life decisions forever
Play: ( a doll’s house by Henrik Ibsen)
Keep her present life or Leave her present life behind
Torvalds treating her like her father did
How leaving is going to change her life and her children’s life forever
Above is my outline for the paper
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Using a critical approach, describe how the author uses one or more language element(s) and evaluate the effectiveness/effect on the reader.
Support the analysis with textual evidence.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
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A Narrative Poem Journal Prompt Research Paper 1. The opening lines of a narrative poem frame what follows. Explain what sort of poem, what events, what sort of values the reader is led to expect from the first stanza of “John Henry”
A Narrative Poem Journal Prompt Research Paper
“La Belle Dame sans Merci” is a poem with a symbolic dimension. who or what does “La Belle Dame ” represent? See if you can relate this meaning to the narrative progression of movement of the poem. (How does it begin, move to, end?)
What significant theme does “Bonnie Barbara Allan” Seem to evoke?
In “Beowulf’s” Lay of the Last, what is the story about? What imagery is used to give a thematic presence? How does the imagery give a glimpse of this ancient culture, their values/ ideas?
Respond to one poem using reader-response criticism. What are initial or unique ideas that come to mind?
What is one question/ comment you have about chapter 4: Poetry?
–Please post your responses to each question separately. Title the subject heading by questions (Q3). So I know when reading the response what goes to what. Don’t forget to follow the journal rules (two full pages minimum, in-text cites, headings and page headings, etc.).