SAMHSA’s six key principles for a trauma-informed approach to Trauma
SAMHSA’s six key principles for a trauma-informed approach to Trauma
SAMHSA’s six key principles for a trauma-informed approach to Trauma
Students will choose a specific type or aspect of trauma that interests them.
Using scholarly references, the paper will include a comprehensive overview of the type (or aspect) of trauma, a critical analysis of the biopsychosocial factors affecting trauma exposure and recovery, a brief discussion of the best practices for intervention, application of SAMHSA’s six key principles for a trauma-informed approach, and personal reflections.
Write the final paper using the following headings to structure your writing, and include references page.
SAMHSA’s six key principles for a trauma-informed approach to Trauma
Introduction – Briefly describe the focus and purpose of the paper. The introduction should give your reader an understanding of the dimension of trauma you will focus on, and the level of social work intervention you will address (1/2 page).
Overview of Trauma – Drawing from the professional literature, provide a detailed examination of the type and nature of the trauma, prevalence, specific characteristics, its impact across several domains (psychological, emotional, spiritual, etc.).
Describe any relevant DSM-5 or mental health diagnoses for a person exposed to this type of trauma, if appropriate (2-3 pages).
Biopsychosocial Factors- Discuss how the context of a person’s environment influences an individual or community’s exposure and response to this type of trauma.
Evaluate both risk and protective factors impacting one’s exposure to and response to trauma.
Include personal characteristics, as well as a discussion of any social, cultural and economic justice factors that may affect the client’s vulnerability to this trauma, the availability of and access to services, and any unique challenges in recovery (e.g., social class, gender, ethnicity, age, religion, etc.) (1 ½-2 pages).
Intervention/Core Trauma Competencies – Briefly review the professional literature on best practices for intervening with this type of trauma, whether micro and macro responses (1 page).
SAMHSA’s six key principles for a trauma-informed approach to Trauma
Discuss how a practitioner would apply SAMHSA’s six key principles in treating this type of trauma (safety, trustworthiness, collaboration, empowerment, peer support, culture, gender & historical issues). Be specific when describing the application of these principles in practice (2- 3 pages total).
Student should include a minimum of six (6) references from professional literature regarding best practices, including a minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed journals.
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Ivy, age 23, is a white woman who graduated from college last year. She began working as an accountant one month after graduating. Approximately two months ago, she moved into a two -bedroom apartment with another woman who works at the same accounting firm.
She states that her roommate recommended that she sees a doctor to find out if she has anemia or “some sort of fatigue syndrome.” She states that she has felt “restless” and “on edge” for most of the past nine months.
Case Study Questions – Anxiety Disorder
She becomes easily fatigued and irritable and has difficulty concentrating and falling asleep. She states that sometimes her mind “just goes blank,” and she is worried that her work performance is no longer excellent.
Although she has been “a worrier from the day I was born,” now she worries more than she ever has and feels nervous “all the time.” Ivy reports that she has a good relationship with her boyfriend, but they do not get to see each other very often because he is attending graduate school 100 miles away.
She reports having a satisfying sexual relationship with him. She denies having any problems with relationships with her parents, roommate, or peers. She denies having any financial worries unless she is fired from her job for poor work performance.
Case Study Questions – Anxiety Disorder
She reports that she has always been healthy and has taken good care of herself. The only medication she takes is birth control pills, which she has taken for the past four years without any adverse effects.
I started some already but I need help. Read the case study on generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and answer the8 questions related to reading and other outside sources. I would like to try to keep what I have and my sources and just build from there. Do you think that will be OK?
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is one of the mental health disorders set apart by a feeling of worry, fear, restlessness, or feeling of impending doom. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 13 persons suffers from anxiety.
Case Study Questions – Anxiety Disorder
The WHO reports that anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders worldwide with specific phobia, major depressive disorder, and social phobia being the most common anxiety disorders (WHO, 2021 ? find here >> ).
Anxiety can usually be self- diagnosable as with Ivy in this case study. Women, unlike men, are twice as likely to be affected with GAD (Woo & Robinson, 2020).
Just making it through a simple day causes anxiety and like with Ivy, the 6.8 million adults with GAD do not know how to stop the worry cycle and feel out of control or even things are beyond their control.
GAD can interfere with a person’s daily events and actives as with Ivy. For nine months Ivy has had trouble concentrating at work and now worries about her job security and performance (ADAA, 2021).
SSRIs can be used as the first-line medication for Ivy’s anxiety disorder. SSRIs cause more serotonin- 5-HT- in your brain to be available therefore improving anxiety as well as mood (Woo & Robinson, 2020).
Question 1. List specific treatment goals for Ivy. Treatment goals for Ivy include staying compliant with her new medication regime of SSRI- Lexapro 10 mg PO once daily, keeping follow-up appointments to assess and evaluate new medication responses and therapeutic outcomes, better sleep, increase quality in work performance.
Participate in psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral/solution-focused) **For #1 need to include National guidelines for treatment plans and options- please look at US Preventive Services Task Force
American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines › guidelines
American Psychiatric Association (APA) practice guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for the assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders.
Case Study Questions – Anxiety Disorder
Question 2. What drug therapy would you prescribe? Why? As mentioned before, SSRIs are used as the first-line medication with a new diagnosis of GAD with a safer and lower side-effect profile (Woo & Robinson, 2020).
I would start Ivy on Escitalopram (Lexapro) 10mg PO once daily, this dose may be increased after response, and tolerability is assessed to a maximum of 20mg once daily (Lexicomp, 2021).
Lexapro chemical action blocks the transport mechanism that helps return 5-HT that is unbound from returning into the presynaptic neuron therefore more 5-HT is increased and available for the brain to blind to the postsynaptic serotonin receptor.
This in turn can decrease symptoms of anxiety (Woo & Robinson, 2020). The effectiveness of the different SSRIs over each other measures the same with similar outcomes (Woo & Robinson, 2020) (Riley et al., 2009).
Question 3. What are the parameters for monitoring the success of the therapy?
Question 4. Describe specific patient monitoring based on the prescribed therapy.
Question 5. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause you to change therapy. Look and read UpToDate and Lexicomp under Escitalopram (Lexapro)
Question 6. What would be the choice for second-line therapy? According to Lexicomp Zoloft would be the second-line medication for Ivy.
Question 7. What dietary and lifestyle changes should be recommended for this patient? According to Woo & Robinson (2020) exercise (no matter the person’s intensity) can be a constrictive part in reducing the symptoms of anxiety.
Exercises such as brisk walks, yoga, and meditation can be helpful for Ivy’s treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can also be beneficial to the person with GAD as well as Ivy’s boyfriend or even her roommate.
Case Study Questions – Anxiety Disorder
CBT uses psych-social interventions aimed to improve anxiety by drawing focuses on changing cognitive distortion such as thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes as well as managing coping strategies that target personal problem solving and enhancing overall wellbeing (Menzies, et al., 2016).
Alcohol consumption should be avoided for Ivy. Alcohol can enhance the side effects causing increased psychomotor impairment[UptoDate,2021].
Question 8. Describe one or two drug-drug or drug-food interactions for the selected agent.
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The Descent into Addiction and Depression Each reply must be between 250-300 words. Please answer each question separately.
The Descent into Addiction and Depression
Discussion Question 1: After reading Chapter 4 of Addictions, discuss “The Descent into Addiction.” Make sure to discuss the issues concerning children, friendships, infatuation, love, and betrayal as well as worship. According to the lectures, what is self-control and why is it so important?
Discussion Question 2: From the lectures discuss the nature, cause, and symptoms of depression. Do you know someone who has struggled with depression or anger? How does depression or anger feel? How does the gospel offer a pathway to power and freedom?
Welch, E. T. (2001). Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave: Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing. ISBN: 9780875526065
Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work. New York, NY: Viking. ISBN: 9781594632822
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Topic overview and formatting requirements: Blended teaching (where elements of face-to-face and online teaching are combined) has emerged as an option for delivery of university
courses over the past 20 years. Whereas strictly online teaching is seen as an alternative to face-to-face courses, blended delivery is seen as an evolution of traditional teaching involving both face-to-face and online components.
Advocates of blended teaching argue it provides a more flexible and engaging option for university courses over traditional face-to-face teaching. However, as noted by Means, Toyama, Murphy, and Baki (2013) the empirical support for the use of blended delivery of university courses is largely pre or quasi-experimental. In this assignment, you will address the above-identified gap by designing a piece of experimental research that could empirically support the use of blended teaching for university courses.
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Psychological Constructs Research Methods Psychological constructs should be topics we have discussed in class from the beginning of the semester until now and all paper topics must be approved by me before beginning the paper.
Psychological Constructs Research Methods
Your paper must define a psychology topic (Ex. Substance Use and Abuse, Research Methods, or Ethics in Psychology, etc) and how it directly relates to an aspect of pop-culture (Ex. T.V. shows, music, social media, political scandals, etc). ( I think substance use and abuse is the best to talk about because we focused on this the most) Construct, also called a hypothetical construct or psychological construct, in psychology, a tool used to facilitate understanding of human behavior.
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Anxious Arousal for Public Speaking Essay Paper Your job will be to evaluate the article according to the tenets of good research. You should address: a) what the author did; b) what s/he found, and c) how well s/he did it. Specifically, you should answer the following questions in your paper:
Anxious Arousal for Public Speaking Essay Paper
What was the author’s main purpose? Think of the statement of purpose. Did the author do a good job of outlining their statement of purpose or stating the purpose of their research?
Identify the research questions/hypotheses. Were they appropriately stated?
What were the major findings? Were the findings statistically significant? In what way? Think of p-value and sample size.
Were the data gathering and analysis, methods, and techniques used appropriately for the research undertaken?
What were the limitations of the study and the suggestions for future research?
NOTE: Your paper will be evaluated based on your (1) thoroughness, (2) thoughtfulness, (3) persuasiveness, and (4) the quality of your writing (organization, grammar, style, and spelling).
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Childhood Obesity Discussion Board Forum Purpose: This assignment requires you to show your peers and instructor that you have the ability to read and to follow basic speech preparation instructions.
Childhood Obesity Discussion Board Forum Preparing Your Content
Preparation Step 1: Read the Major Speech Project Instructions: Read the instructions for the informative speech project and for the persuasive speech project.
Childhood Obesity Discussion Board Forum
Detailed instructions for these appear in the Course Content area, but the most basic requirement for these upcoming presentations is this:
Ï The informative project requires you to construct an informative speech that describes a specific career field and shows how someone can use that career field to promote what God values according to Scripture.
Ï The persuasive project requires you to use problem/solution pattern to establish the existence of a social problem and then to propose and to justify a solution for this social problem that is a good solution, as you must show, at least partly because it promotes something that God values according to Scripture.
Childhood Obesity Discussion Board Forum
Preparation Step 2: Topic and Planning Statement Construction: Choose informative and persuasive speech topics that satisfy these criteria and that satisfy the textbook’s general criteria for informative and persuasive speeches.
Then, referring to the speech outline templates and to the textbook for guidance, construct for the informative speech topic and also, separately, for the persuasive speech topic a general goal statement, a specific goal statement, and a thesis statement that relay what you intend to accomplish or the point you intend to establish in these speeches.
Example: Informative Speech
Topic: Accounting
General Purpose: To inform my audience about the accounting vocation
Specific Purpose: I wish to inform my audience about the accounting job field its work, its pay scale, and its outlook and to explain how an accountant can use this career to honor God by promoting truthfulness and honesty.
Thesis: If you have an analytical mind, desire good pay, and value job security, and if you want to honor God through your career, accounting may be a good career choice for you.
Example: Persuasive Speech
Topic: Childhood obesity
General Goal: To persuade my audience to embrace nutritional education
Childhood Obesity Discussion Board Forum
Specific Goal: I want to persuade my audience that childhood obesity is a problem and that this problem can be partly remedied, in a God-honoring way, by an increase in nutritional education programs.
Thesis: Childhood obesity is a social problem that can be remedied, partly and in a God-honoring way, by an increase in nutritional education programs.
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Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Psychology Short Essay Assignment
Please use Chapter Powerpoints and Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, Chapters 12 & 13.
An essay with guidance from the professor has also been attached. Please utilize her notes and the course criteria to ensure the same mistakes aren’t made.
This assignment consists of short essays. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. Your responses should be no more than º to Ω page per question.
You must integrate the material presented in the text to support your responses, and cite your work according to APA format.
How might the counselor have to adjust his or her own values to work with clients from differing cultures? How is therapist self-care an ethical matter as well as a way to prevent therapist burnout?
How is resistance a central issue in analytic therapy? Explain the functions that resistance serves. Discuss some guidelines that you might use in understanding both the resistance of your clients and your reactions to their resistance.
How is Adler’s view of human nature different from Freud’s? What importance does Adler give to the role of childhood experiences in terms of adult life?
Describe the therapeutic process from an existential perspective by addressing basic assumptions, therapy goals, and the nature of the client/counselor relationship.
Discuss the concept of accurate empathy as the therapist’s ability to subjectively understand the client’s world. What are some barriers that might limit a therapist’s capacity to be empathic?
How is the here and now a basic concept in Gestalt? How is the past dealt with in this approach? How about the future?
Discuss the role of the client/therapist relationship from the behavior therapist’s point of view. What are some of the criticisms of this relationship?
What are the main contributions and criticisms of the Cognitive Behavioral approaches? How well suited are these approaches to the needs of culturally diverse clients?
How can reality therapy be applied to working with culturally diverse clients? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach when working with diverse clients?
Feminist therapists do not restrict their practices to women clients; they also work with men, couples, families, and children. What are some ways you think that feminist therapy concepts can be applied to counseling men, couples and families?
Both narrative therapists and solution-focused therapists are very concerned with establishing truly collaborative relationships with their clients. Clients are co-creators of solutions and are co-authors in the process of re-authoring their life stories. What are some specific steps a therapist can take early in the course of therapy to establish this collaborative partnership? What if the client does not want to be a partner, but instead expects the therapist to be the expert?
12. What are some of the main contributions that you see in working with clients from a family systems perspective? Mention some of the limitations you see in the family systems perspective, including working with families from culturally diverse backgrounds.
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Explain the guidelines Ledford & Gast (2019) suggest for using an A-B-A-B design. Then provide a short discussion of internal and external validity issues for this specific design to include a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the design. Finally, identify a hypothetical target behavior (dependent variable) for change and a possible intervention (independent variable). The target behavior should be a behavior you want to increase and the intervention should be some form of reinforcement procedure (i.e., differential reinforcement). Provide a brief scenario and rationale for the behavior change plan. Make sure the behavior identified is measurable and observable.
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Nature v Nurture Effects on Human Development Nature v Nurture: Does nurture have a greater effect on human development than nature
Nature v Nurture Effects on Human Development
Write a 5-page research paper on why nurture is more influential than nature using the sources, outline and Cornell notes provided.
Topic: Nature vs. Nurture
Question: Does nurture have a greater effect on human development than nature?
Thesis Statement: Nurture has a greater effect on human development because of role modeling, social interactions, and human touch all shape an individual.
Role modeling
Parents shape the personality and etiquette of their children by teaching them manners.
Studies show that children can sometimes be influenced by the behaviorism of their role models.
Nature v Nurture Effects on Human Development
III. Social interactions help form cognitive development.
Children learn languages and how to communicate through social interactions.
Feral children have animal-like personalities.
Human touch is crucial for the development of the brain.
Studies have shown that babies develop differently when they are not comforted with a human touch.
Lack of human touch can result in a developmental delay in children.
English IV Honors Research Paper Project
Argumentative Topic
Nature v Nurture Effects on Human Development Steps
Do preliminary research on your own and select 3 topics that are argumentative (2 equally strong sides.) Select one final topic and sign up by Friday, 3-8-19, or Monday, 3-18-19 if absent. It is your responsibility to make that there are available sources.
Write a preliminary outline with the topic, claim and purpose. Select a mode of writing such as comparison/contrast; cause and effect; descriptive; processÖ
Collect sources and print the articles. Read the articles and ANNOTATE them.
Transfer notes onto Cornell Notes. Types of Notes: Direct Quote, Paraphrase, Summary
Write a final outline based on readings and notes
Write a rough draft: Outline, Essay with internal citations, Works Cited Page
Revise, , print and submit final research paper
Nature v Nurture Effects on Human Development Requirements
Length from the introduction to a conclusion: 5-7 pages (essay only)
Pages required: Cover page; final typed outline; final typed essay with an internal citation; final works cited page
Working number of sources: 8+ (must be reliable sources such as .org; .gov; .edu; SHS databases which may include some .com; .com from reliable sources such as New York TimesÖ)
The final number of sources: 6+
Avoid Wikipedia and blogs
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