Challenges of Balancing Function and Fashion

Challenges of Balancing Function and Fashion •Error messages are a key part of an overall interface design strategy of guidance for the user.

Challenges of Balancing Function and Fashion
Challenges of Balancing Function and Fashion

Discuss strategies to ensure integrated, coordinated error messages that are consistent across an application.
•Choose the one topic covered in Chapter 11 (error messages, non-anthropomorphic design, display design, window design, and color) that creates the biggest challenge to achieving balance between function and fashion. Support your response. Ageing often leads to a loss of balance, which can result in an increased risk of falls. But, as a report from the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago shows, a lack of balance has other consequences. “A tendency to lose balance among elderly people often results in an overall reduction in the level of physical activity,” it says, “and to a decreased ability to function satisfactorily in social roles.”

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