Climate Casino Risk and Economics for a Warming World

Climate Casino Risk and Economics for a Warming World Book: The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World
One page minimum, 12 pt. type, double spaced. Include the title of book and author in your heading.

Climate Casino Risk and Economics for a Warming World
Climate Casino Risk and Economics for a Warming World

First, complete the following:
State the main ideas of the book.
List at least three arguments that develop the main idea.
Write a short paragraph explaining each supporting idea (from above), or claim, and find at least one direct quote which illustrates
or connects to each idea.
List the page number following the quote. Explain how the author develops these ideas throughout the book and explain the narrative structure or format of the book.
2. Then, explain the following:
What you have learned about the subject
How the information in the book will help your paper Include what you currently see as the central question of your paper.
If you know what side of the argument you think you will be arguing for, include this position, but that is not mandatory.
3. Close with:
A short review of the book
Explain how you liked it and if you think it will serve as a significant source in your paper.

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