Cloud Computing Data Center Infrastructure Architecture

Cloud Computing Data Center Infrastructure Architecture Department Of Information And Logistics Technology

Cloud Computing Data Center Infrastructure Architecture
Cloud Computing Data Center Infrastructure Architecture

Cis 3357 – Cloud Computing Infrastructure

Mid-Term Project – Cloud Computing Infrastructure Architecture

Cloud Computing Data Center Infrastructure Architecture


Individual project, no collaboration is allowed

Open book project

Contact your professor if you have any questions

Penalties will be incurred if you don’t follow instructions

Problem Statement:

Define, analyze and design the complete infrastructure architecture for a Cloud Computing Data Center

Cloud Computing Data Center Infrastructure Architecture Requirements

Your Infrastructure Architecture design must clearly represent the following:

Ability to have any number of customers, each customer potentially in need of any number of


Must support all types of industry needs and workloads – compute optimized, storage-optimized,

memory optimized, network optimized, general purpose, etc.

Must support any Cloud Delivery Model

Must support any Cloud Services Model

Must support all Cloud Characteristics and Terms

Clearly present in your architecture the key infrastructure components – Compute power, storage and networking – with the following characteristics:

o Hypervisor and type of hypervisor

o CPU, Memory, Disks, Network related to the hardware

? Hardware NICs, switches and routers



o VMs and the Operating System


o Customer private VMs

Specify the purpose of the private VMs in your infrastructure/data center

o Customer shared VMs

Specify the purpose of the public VMs in your infrastructure/data center

o Management Tools

Show in your infrastructure the VMs with the management tools and how they

are shared with all customers

o Virtual NICs

o Virtual Disks

o Virtual Switches

o Storage technologies and where do they fit:

Martinez CIS 3357 – Cloud Computing Infrastructure 2


Specify the purpose of the SAN storage in your infrastructure/data center


Specify the purpose of the NAS storage in your infrastructure/data center


Specify the purpose of the DAS storage in your infrastructure/data center

o Storage Protocols and computing storage system and where do they fit:

Fiber Channels




o Identify disks technology and where do they fit:

Hard Disk


o Clearly show the RAID arrays and the RAID level for your infrastructure architecture

o LUN Masking and Zoning and where do they fit

o Specify where in your data center infrastructure the outside connectivity takes place –how do the external requests (i.e. HTTPS requests from the Internet) enter your infrastructure

o Specify where in your customer VLANs infrastructure the outside connectivity takes place – how do the external requests (i.e. HTTPS requests from the Internet) enter each customer VLAN

Provide an example of your Infrastructure Architecture with VMware products – refer to the labs.

For example, show where the vCenter, ESXs, Vsphere web client, and other Vmware products fit in your architecture. You can either create another diagram or list the products and where do they fit in the architecture in an outline format.


The requirements listed cover all/most of the concepts learned in class (chapters 1-5).

Your Infrastructure Architecture must be presented in MS Visio. Submit both, the .vsd file format and a formal copy in .pdf.

Your .pdf copy must be formal, including headers, footers, title, and proper identification of the class, topic and author.

Your final diagram must have a title. You can add reference material when it does not fit well in the Infrastructure Architecture diagram (i.e. Routing Tables, connectors between VMs and storage).

When you have completed your architecture, submit it in Blackboard. Ensure to include the class, project title and your name in the filename of your deliverable, for example Last First_<Class>_<Title>

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