Collaborative Care Mental Health Policy

Collaborative Care Mental Health Policy Collaborative Care and Mental Health Policy Prepare a brief annotated bibliography of at least 10 peer-reviewed articles. Be sure to choose research articles published in peer-reviewed journals within the past 5 years.

Collaborative Care Mental Health Policy
Collaborative Care Mental Health Policy

As you select your articles, keep ethical issues, diversity in collaborative care, and policy considerations for mental health in mind. Please note that the same rules for a citation that apply to other documents (such as proper paraphrasing and the use of quotation marks where necessary) apply to annotated bibliographies as well. It is unacceptable to cut and paste from the abstract or the body of an article. Rather, you are expected to read the article completely and appropriately paraphrase the necessary material. For those few situations where paraphrasing is unacceptable, then material that has not been paraphrased must be placed in quotation marks.

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