College Education monetary or personal value

College Education monetary or personal value Prompt A: Does the value—whether monetary or personal—exceed the cost of a college education?

College Education monetary or personal value
College Education monetary or personal value

Why or why not? Consider and explore the potential benefits of attending college and decide whether they outweigh the costs.
Prompt B: What are the most important and/or valuable reasons for going to college? Consider the reasons emphasized by the authors as well as others not necessarily explored in the readings.

College Education monetary or personal value and Counterarguments

You should focus on the arguments presented in the readings listed below as support for or as counterargument for (followed by a rebuttal) your argument.
Reading List:
(you should use at least two in your body paragraphs, either as quoted or paraphrased support)
Is College Worth the Cost? Absolutely” by Piyush Mangukiya
Why College Is Necessary but Gets You Nowhere” by Robert Reich
There’s More to Learning Than a Job Search” by Suzanne Fields
Just Half of Graduates Strongly Agree Their College Education Was Worth the Cost” by Goldie Blumenstyk

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