Communication Techniques and Barriers to Communication.
Order Instructions:
For this paper, the are two main points to discuss and the writer must carefully read all the entire questions and respond accordingly. The writer must give the details of every aspect mentioned in the question and clearly provide a respond using in text citation APA 6th edition.
Communication Techniques and Barriers to Communication.
It is important to possess good communication skills to establish rapport with patients. Facilitation, silence, reflection, empathy, clarification, confrontation, interpretation, explanation, and summary each elicit a different response from the patient. The perspective shifts from the patient to the health care provider with the last four items above. Each listed item has a role in the interview process; however, practice is required to use each effectively and to move from one response to another smoothly.
Please select a specific age group (infant, child, adult, geriatric) and discuss the most effective communication techniques for this group; provide your rationale.
Discuss barriers to communication and include one relevant ethical and legal standard while conducting one of the following assessments:
1. Mental Status
2. Substance Use
3. Domestic Violence
4. Nutrition
Web Resources:
• National Human Genome Research Institute Family Medical History and Tools Resources Online. Retrieved from http://www.genome.gov/11510372
• Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Retrieved from http://www.rid.org
• American Foundation for the Blind. Retrieved from http://www.afb.org
• American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Retrieved from http://www.asha.org
• National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved from http://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml
• National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much: A Clinician’s Guide. Retrieved from http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/guide
• The World Health Organization. Substance Abuse. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/topics/substance_abuse/en
• Prevent Child Abuse America. Retrieved from http://www.preventchildabuse.org
• Centers for Disease Control. Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Fact Sheet. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/IPV_factsheet-a.pdf
• Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (S.A.N.E.)/Sexual Assault Response Team (S.A.R.T.). Retrieved from http://www.sane-sart.com
• National Center on Elder Abuse. Retrieved from http://www.ncea.aoa.gov
• National Domestic Violence Hotline. Retrieved from http://www.ndvh.org
• Nutrition.gov. Retrieved from http://www.nutrition.gov
Communication between nurse and their patients is crucial for achievement or desired therapeutic outcomes. Studies have shown that factors know to contribute to effective communication are embedded in the characteristics of nurses. These factors include genuineness, competency, and excellent communication skills. This paper will discuss techniques that can enhance effective communication between nurses and their patients (Kraszewski and McEwen, 2010).
Communicating with older adult patients can be a challenging encounter due to various factors such as the risk of effects of memory decline and age-related sensory impairment. In addition, a third party can become part of the interaction, since elderly patients tend to be in the company of a loved one who participates actively in the patient`s care and visits. Older patients present with sophisticated problems and various other chief complaints that may require time to unravel. Another factor to consider is that old aged patients have few inquiries and are also likely to defer the authority of the physician. Ageism is also another factor that must be considered to avoid poor communication (Cooper and Gosnell, 2015).
Establishing a good rapport is relevant in effective communication with older adult patients. This can be achieved by showing respect to the patient as well as a sign of concern for the patient. The patient can be addressed as “Mr.” or “Mrs” unless he or she has requested to be called by the name of choice. Names such as “honey,” “sweetie,” or “dear,” should be avoided. Eye contact should be maintained at all times by sitting a chair and facing the patient directly. These acts aid in demonstration of genuine interest as well as active listening. A gentle touch on the patient`s arm, or shoulder demonstrates the caregiver`s interest and concern (Hingle and Robinson, 2009).
Patients may present with different health complications, which may tend to hinder the communication process. The nurse should make sure that the patient is heard and understands as well. Good listening skills and talking unhurriedly are effective good communication basing on the assumption that not all patients resemble each other. Patient`s mental status, for instance, may impair effective communication significantly. For this reason, it is required to assess the receptive and expressive abilities of the patients allowing patients to talk about their concerns while involving relevant signs and probe to ensure the patients presents his or her case wholly. Interruptions such as environmental distractions, probing beyond the patient`s capacity, starting arguments, and using a different language should be avoided to assure the patient of comfort (Hingle and Robinson, 2009).
Studies tend to reveal that the older adult patients and physicians may disagree regarding the objectives of the medical encounter. Ineffective communication can hinder exchange of information, and hence the patient`s satisfaction. Caregivers must learn to speak slowly, clear, and in a loud voice without shouting. Short, simple, terms, and sentences should be avoided. Due to the fact that the older adult patients tend to have very few inquiries and also deter the authority of the physicians, it is vital to have summaries frequently, and give room for questions (Hart, 2010).
Cooper, K., & Gosnell, K. (2015). Foundations and adult health nursing. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Mosby
Hart, V. (2010). Patient-provider communications: Caring to listen. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett.
Hingle, S.T., & Robinson, S.B. (2009). Enhancing Communication with Older Patients in the Outpatient Setting. Semin Med Pract 12, 1-7.
Kraszewski, S., & McEwen, A. (2010). Communication Skills For Adult Nurses. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill International (UK) Ltd.
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