Compare and Contrast Two Art Objects

Compare and Contrast Two Art Objects Snake Goddess and the Greece art object: Peplos Kore (Archaic period)
1. Write a 7 -8 pages, double-spaced compare and contrast essay that investigates how two artworks from two different period styles illustrate a particular theme in art.

Compare and Contrast Two Art Objects
Compare and Contrast Two Art Objects

2. Your chosen period style to exemplify your thesis statement. Introduction paragraph with a clear, controlling idea (thesis statement)
3. Artwork identification: title of artworks, artists (if known), medium, and period styles
Descriptive analysis of EACH artwork
Comparison/Contrast structure (to compare is to discuss how the images are similar and to contrast is to discuss how the images are different)
Conclusion paragraph (summarize your argument and connect to greater idea)
Works Cited Page: a separate page of sources in MLA style formatting (use at least 3 academic sources)

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