Compensation Strategies Geographic Pay

Compensation Strategies Geographic Pay 1) Compensation Strategies Using The Fortune 500 List, identify one company that uses Lowest-Cost Strategy and one company that uses Differentiation Strategy.

Compensation Strategies Geographic Pay
Compensation Strategies Geographic Pay

Explain how these strategies work and why these particular companies use them. Do not use any of the companies given as examples in the textbook or used by another student. 2) Geographic Pay The Coca-Cola Company, currently based in Atlanta, GA, is relocating their headquarters to your city (or the city nearest to you). In doing so, Coke hopes to convince many of their current Atlanta-based employees to relocate to your city. What are some considerations that Coke should make for their employees regarding geographic pay differentials between Atlanta and your city? How can Coke persuade their employees to move with the company? Consider the factors mentioned in chapter 2, as well as the CNN Money cost of living calculator.

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