Constitution of the Confederate States 1861 Civil War/ Declaration of Cause/

- View/watch video #10, The Coming of the Civil War. Be sure to take notes while viewing the video.
- Next, read the Confederate States of America – Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union and Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861, the selected articles. In your essay, you will provide an analysis and your inference regarding the causes of the war from the northern and southern perspective. [Inference: the act of reasoning from factual knowledge].
Constitution of the Confederate States 1861 Civil War Formatting Requirements
- Type your essay response;
- 1-inch margins;
- 12-point type; double-spaced;
- type your name in the top left corner and use page numbers;
- Use proper citation (endnotes; footnotes–no need for works cited or bibliography page).
- Upload or copy and paste this assignment to the Unit IV assignment link within this module.
Constitution of the Confederate States 1861 Civil War Sources
Source 1;
For source 2 read the following sections that pertain to “slavery”;
Article I Section 9 – #4
Article IV Section 2 – #1 and #3
Article IV Section 3 – #3
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