Criminal Behaviors for Spree Killers Essay

Criminal Behaviors for Spree Killers
Criminal Behaviors for Spree Killers

Criminal Behaviors for Spree Killers

A major component of this class is a 2250-word term APA style and formatted research paper. The 2250-word requirement excludes the wording of the Cover, Abstract, and References pages. No more than 25% of the written assignment in this course may be attributed to referenced sources. Your paper must be 75% original thought. Again, your cited work and quotations must not exceed 25%. You must use and cite a minimum of five sources with no more than two being web sources. Peer-reviewed sources and scholarly articles are strongly encouraged as research sources. Do not use the course textbook as a source. reports provide the instructor with the word count and the percentage of wording attributable to other sources. Papers may not be submitted from previous courses or classes to fulfill this requirement and will be referred for a potential Academic Code Violation. This assignment is due at the end of Module Seven.

You research paper topic must address one of the following topics and the Saint Leo Core Value of Excellence must be integrated in the paper as well:

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