Critical Infrastructure of Internet of Things

Critical Infrastructure of Internet of Things Identify function that could later become an infrastructure.

Critical Infrastructure of Internet of Things
Critical Infrastructure of Internet of Things

(I select internet of things as a function, the paper should mention about the internet of things, how it work, and how it later become the infrastructure).

Critical Infrastructure of Internet of Things and Networks

The proliferation of internet of things devices tied into critical industries such as transportation and healthcare is changing the perspective on what constitutes critical infrastructure, according to government and industry experts who spoke at the 2017 CyberCon. “The attack surface is going to expand greatly,” said Ret. Maj. Gen John Davis, vice president and federal chief security officer at Palo Alto Networks. “When we start connecting all of these other devices, like devices that are involved in life-saving functions – transportation, cars – when we start connecting these things, we’re opening up a whole different category of impact. 


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