Critical Reflection on Aspects of Education

Critical Reflection on Aspects of Education For this assessment you will be required to produce a critical reflection on aspects of illiteracies for life-long learning presented in the academic and
illiteracies sessions.

Critical Reflection on Aspects of Education
Critical Reflection on Aspects of Education

This critical reflection can be in the format of your choosing but should include the following sections as part of the DATA model of
critical reflection. The DATA model consists of four main components, which can act as subheadings. This DATA model is:
Describe a section in which you describe the issue that will form the focus of the reflection. For this assessment, the main focus is literacies to encourage
independent learning for diverse learners and should include aspects covered in the associated teaching session within the block week.

Analyzing Critical Reflection on Aspects of Education

Analyze: in this section of the reflection, you should be showing how the issues you described are evidenced within your own teaching context. You will be required to break down the main ideas and relate them to your teaching practice, relate them to course documents, resources and assessment information and requirements literacies, to encourage independent learning for diverse learners. This where you need to analyze why you do what you do, which may connect to your deeper teaching philosophy.
Theories: In this section, you will be required to support your arguments and analysis with literature. Incorporating educational literature into your
reflection enables you to show how your thoughts and arguments are supported within wider educational thinking/discourse. Critical analysis requires that you do not just accept what you have read or heard, but instead that you show the ability to question, make connections and judgments about the information you are coming across. Relevant readings will be accessible through the course site.
Act: This section of your reflection is about initiating change to improve teaching practice. Here the focus is on you saying how you can change your
teaching practice, course documents, resources and assessment information and requirements literacies, to encourage independent learning for diverse
learners, given this new information and insight that you have gathered.

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