Critique a speech Essay Assignment Paper

Critique a speech
Critique a speech

Critique a speech

View one of the following speeches: The History of YouTube, Untreated Depression, Michelle Obama Calls on You to Serve, Reducing Carbon Pollution in Our Power Plants.

Write a three-to-four-page critique of the speech you chose. It might be helpful to watch the speech you have chosen to evaluate, twice.

Use the following checklist to guide your critique:

  • Did the speaker choose a topic that was relevant and interesting to the audience, with a clear purpose?
  • Did the speaker ensure that his or her topic was researched adequately?
  • Did the speaker deliver an introduction that gained attention and oriented the audience?
  • Was the speech clear, vivid, appropriate, well-organized, and powerful?
  • Was each main point adequately supported?
  • Did the speaker create a speech with personal style by asking direct questions and creating immediacy?
  • Did the conclusion summarize the thesis and provide closure?
  • Did the speaker use effective volume, eye contact, speech rate, pausing, and gestures?

Assignment Submission:

The use of outside resources is strongly recommended, and all papers must be cited and written in current APA format.

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