Cultural Variables that Affect Americans and Arabs

Cultural Variables that Affect Americans and Arabs Your essay needs to have at least 12-15 references in it. Discuss some cultural variables that can affect communication between Americans and Arabs when doing business.

Cultural Variables that Affect Americans and Arabs
Cultural Variables that Affect Americans and Arabs

Use the prescribed textbook and 1-3 other current relevant textbooks. At least eight (8) of your
references should be recent, relevant, peer-refereed journal articles sourced from credible databases (namely Google Scholar, Ebsco Host (Business Source
Premier) or Emerald). Avoid general internet sites.
Criteria for Grading Written Work:
1. Planning (30%) selecting and weighing relevant and reliable evidence, and structuring valid arguments based on that evidence showing discrimination in
selecting key points and summarising the issues; a coherent, logical ‘flow’ of arguments from one point to the next; no point discussed in excess of its
relevance to the main question.
2.Content – Understanding (30%) demonstrating a broad and deep knowledge of the substantive subject-matter, including but not limited to the set textbooks
and readings, particularly those most relevant to the question: covering all major viewpoints relating to the set question or your own selected topic.
3.Content – Analysis (30%) demonstrating your own independent and critical thinking in reaching conclusions (e.g., not merely restating or describing
arguments, or making untested assumptions, on matters open to dispute).
4. Referencing – (10%) – accurate citation of references using the Harvard system.

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