Description of Population and Innovation Sample

Description of Population and Innovation Sample  “A critical analysis of the innovative approaches adopted by Dubai Companies in the digital era, ” and I am going to use the qualitative methods (case study).

Description of Population and Innovation Sample
Description of Population and Innovation Sample

my population is the most innovative privet companies in Dubai which had recognized as an innovative company by Forbes or won an innovation award as attached.

I choose my sample based on these criteria:

  1. I choose the industries based on their score (highest score Dubai innovation Index).
  2. As the name of companies is not mentioned in the index, I tried to find companies who had innovation awarded or classified by Forbes as innovativeness.

I want from you to write a description of my sample starting with describing the selected sectors and their score then describe the companies without mentioning the name of companies.

The selected industries are listed in the excel file and the companies are listed next to each industry.

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