Dialectic, labor theory of value, social class, social alienation, modes of production, and primitive accumulation.

Dialectic, labor theory of value, social class, social alienation, modes of production, and primitive accumulation.

Section 1: Reconstruct and elaborate upon one or two of the major concepts from this first portion of the course (these are: the dialectic, labor theory of value, social class, social alienation, modes of production, and primitive accumulation). Make sure it is clear what concept(s) you are examining–write it as a section title. Include key details that will help to make sense of the concept(s) you are focusing on.

Section 2: Illustrate the theoretical concept(s) that you are discussing with a real-world, concrete example(either occurring in history or nowadays). Here you will put theory to use in helping to better understand societal processes and lived experience. Have a title for your section 2.
Write succinctly and synthetically.

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