Disaster Recovery – Continuity Planning Overview

Disaster Recovery - Continuity Planning Overview
Disaster Recovery – Continuity Planning Overview

Disaster Recovery – Continuity Planning Overview Essay

Suppose you were recently hired for a new initiative as a business continuity lead / manager at a medium-sized healthcare company. You have been asked to prepare a presentation to the Board of Directors on your main duties for the company and how your position could help protect the business in case of a large-scale incident or disaster. You have been alerted that since this is a new initiative and could come with a potentially large price tag, there is skepticism from some of the Board members.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

Explain the basic primary tasks, ongoing evaluations, and major policy and procedural changes that would be needed to perform as the BC lead / manager.

Provide insight on how to plan the presentation to garner management and Board buy-in for those who are skeptical.

Discuss the first four (4) high-level activities that would be necessary in starting this initiative in the right direction and describe the potential pitfalls of each.

Speculate on the most comprehensive and / or critical challenge(s) in the infancy of this initiative and explain how to overcome that challenge(s).

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

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