Economic Struggles and Criminal Justice System

Economic Struggles and Criminal Justice System In light of the economic struggles that many states are facing today, every area of the criminal justice system is coming under scrutiny, especially as it relates to the expenditures of taxpayer monies.

Economic Struggles and Criminal Justice System
Economic Struggles and Criminal Justice System

One of the most hotly contested areas is that of the privatization of prisons. Respond to the following questions, and support your position using credible research:
Primary Task Response: Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of prison privatization? Explain in your own words.
What impact does the privatization of prisons have on providing rehabilitative services that would help prisoners rejoin society productively and curb recidivism? Explain.
What impact does contracting with a private firm have on governmental liability for the violation of inmates’ constitutional rights? Explain.
Some would argue that for-profit private prisons have no place in a democratic society. Do you agree? Use external research to justify your response.

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