Education Policy in Theory and Practice

Education Policy in Theory and Practice Decision Papers: Applied Policy Analysis Module One Assignment Background: The purposes of this assignment are to develop (1) an overview of a current education issue in Canada, (2) one’s proficiency in analyzing those issues, and (3) one’s perspective about alternative approaches to resolving those issues. The Decision Note assignment tries to simulate the process that is followed in government or school districts in preparing information for the decision of government/school district officials or politicians/ trustees.

Education Policy in Theory and Practice
Education Policy in Theory and Practice

In the context of ministries of Education, a decision note is sometimes termed a Cabinet Paper or a Cabinet Submission. This is because it is a brief provided to decision makers to elicit a decision on a particular policy issue. To carry out and derive maximum benefit from the assignment, you should identify an educational policy issue that has received attention in the local context or in the Canadian popular media (e.g., television, radio, newspaper, or mass circulation magazine) during the past year. Think about some galvanizing issues: • Whether (or how to) to permit cell phone use in a school(s)/board/province and under what circumstances? • Whether (or how to) to establish Gay-Straight Alliances in Intermediate Schools? • Whether (or the extent to which) to permit the religious observances in a school(s)/board/province (whether Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Jewish)? • Whether to ban certain clothing from a dress code? • Whether to extend (or reduce) bussing distances (and to what extent) • And the list goes on…. What is the significance of the issue? You should attempt to discern why the issue is considered important enough to receive attention from the media. You should be able to explain whether you think the issue is of significance and your reasons for your judgment. You will need to think carefully and deeply about the issue and the factors that are at play. Consider carefully the context in which the issue arose, taking into account the events and surrounding conditions that have affected or might affect the issue under investigation. What positions do the principal organizations concerned with education (government, school trustees, school superintendents, school administrators, teachers, parents, students) have toward the issue? If they do not have a stated position, anticipate what position they might or should have toward the issue. If the issue involves other interest groups or organizations (e.g., associations of parents of children with learning disabilities, human rights commissions), you should be able to identify them and their positions. What does the research say about the issue? Make sure you use credible sources here. The ramblings of a blogger or the arguments from a special interest group won’t be good enough for a decision note (although you will need to describe the various positions of parent groups and different special interests). How is the issue addressed in other jurisdictions? Review how other provinces, districts or schools have approached the issues and any possible outcomes. What are the possible alternatives (options) for resolving the issue? You should be able to appraise the strengths and limitations of each of the alternatives and be able to indicate which of the alternatives you favour and why? What are the legislative, regulatory, and financial implications of the recommended course of action? Review the legislation (Schools Act, other relevant legislation) school district policies and regulations and indicate whether the recommended actions are in contravention of any legislation and/or regulatory guidelines. Also, consider the financial implications and try and accurately estimate costs or cost savings. Please use the template and additional directions on the pages that follow in preparing your decision note and accompanying material. Please submit your Decision Note in portrait format, using 12 point Times Roman or Times New Roman font. Number the pages at the bottom right margin. Refer to the Powerpoint slides for additional guidance with the writing style. For guidance about citations, please consult publication guidelines of the American Psychological Association. Provide the full URL citation for all Internet references. I encourage you to ask the following questions about your work; they are the ones that will be used to evaluate your submissions: • Has the issue been thoroughly addressed in the decision note and accompanying appendices? • Have you explained the issue, analysis, alternatives, and recommendations clearly? • Have you used logic and evidence well? Required Textbook: • Rizvi, F., & Lingard, R. (2010). Globalizing education policy. New York: Routledge. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). (2010). Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association. Report • Sheppard, B., Galway, G., Brown, J., & Wiens, J. (2013, January). School boards matter: The report of the pan-Canadian study of school district governance. Canadian School Boards Association, Montreal. Retrieved from

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