Education System and Ethical Argumentative Essay – Title is: Should education be free for Florida public universities? – Thesis: I believe that education should be free for students in public universities located in Florida.

Audience: government/people who deal with the education system – THE PRIMARY ETHICAL PRINCIPAL BEING USED IS CONSEQUENTIAL. BUT THE ESSAY NEEDS TO HAVE THE THREE PRINCIPLES 1. CONSEQUENTIAL 2. VIRTUE BASED 3. DEONTOLOGICAL – the introduction should have an overview of the controversy, bringing the audience up to speed up the issue in a brief, accurate fashion. It should establish the audience by directly naming it in a sentence and it should, of course, include the thesis statement (above) – only one short source should be used in the introduction as a background to the controversy being presented and the other 2 sources as evidence for body paragraphs. If possible the source most demonstrates how the topic is current. – On one of the body paragraphs, there should also be an opposing side to the controversy. – The conclusion should restate the ethical argument as well as the thesis, strong concluding argument.