Effects of Undocumented Parents on US Born Children

Effects of Undocumented Parents on US Born Children

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Effects of Undocumented Parents on US Born Children Literature review

Research has shown that in almost every third of the immigrant children, one of them have an undocumented parent. Most of the parents are immigrant citizens who enter the country either legally or illegally.

Effects of Undocumented Parents on US Born Children
Effects of Undocumented Parents on US Born Children

The one that enters legally overstay past the expiration period rendering them illegal immigrants. At the time of immigration, most of the immigrants are not accompanied by children because of the strict measures that are put in place. After entering the United States, most of the immigrantís bear children who in turn have undocumented parents. Growing up as a child with undocumented parents comes with a number of both physical and mental effects. There are socioeconomic drawbacks that can be linked with the undocumented parents. When comparing the children with undocumented parents with the ones with documented parents, there is a disparity that is observed. Those with illegal parents receive low levels of education. Equally some of the other effects include employment and income…

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