Electrical components used in smartphone assembly

Electrical components used in smartphone assembly
   Electrical components used in smartphone                                               assembly

Electrical components used in smartphone assembly

Select a commodity to use as your example. Possible commodities include:

  • Electrical components used in smartphone assembly
  • Bulk food products, such as grains and liquids
  • Mechanical components for industrial tool manufacturing
  • Wiring components used in aerospace manufacturing
  • Textiles used in clothing manufacturing

Develop a receiving inspection plan for suppliers of the selected commodity based on the following criteria:

  • Newly sourced supplier
  • Existing sourced supplier
  • Analyze why this criteria is important to the receiving inspection plan strategy.

Assess the critical inspection elements to be considered when developing the plan, including the following:

  • Incoming lot inspections
  • Sampling
  • Frequency
  • Lot containment
  • Data management
  • Special handling considerations
  • Supplier notifications
  • Disposition of non-conforming material
  • Supplier returns
  • Scrap
  • Sorting
  • Include a process map of the incoming receiving inspection process.

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